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Poetry Magnum Opus

A poem that was


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I wrote a very short poem
To this paper I put my pen
After writing for a while
I read it over again.

It wasn’t as I had planned it
I started over once more
I used words so very large
They spilled onto the floor.

I could not untangle them
They are knotted and twisted so
I tried rephrasing their meaning
But the task was slow.

I am going to gather them
And place them in your care
If you find time to sort them
There’s a message you may share...

zsdafovihsr lnkjdnbdafha
jdfvdboiaertanb ;n ...mnbva
mnnigd jlzij.,zdfisfnzf kdf
oiaewuakrnv ;lbjk

mqqofbmajvn/kb nml.cn’d
mofiSDKjv kjd;ha NHIOAUEH

copyright 2015

Well...here it is the year of 2020. This bit of poetic nonsense still makes sense to me, however I think most of you have tried to read too much into it. 

Normally a poet’s words flow swiftly and easily, but while attempting to create a poem of deep meaning, words chosen, may not be of his normal vocabulary. What was meant to be a short poem, became a more difficult poetic structure of rhyme. After several attempts and failures, his choice off words seem to overflow...”They spilled onto the floor.”

In exasperation,  The remainder of his attempts are written in the poem about his final decision. The large jumble of letters, that have spilled onto the floor, he now places into the reader’s care. 

“If you find time to sort this jumble of large words, there may be enough letters to create a poem or a message you may want to share...”

Robert G. Jerore for YarnSpinner




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