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Hi, I would like to give a plug for the forum Member Archives. I really wish all of the members would create a page with links to their poems. If you have a website where all of your work is already consolidated, you might just add that link to your page. But, if you don't this is a great place to consolidate your body of work for the reading pleasure of the rest of us.


There are times when I think of a poem that one of you wrote in the past and want to go back and read it but it is really hard to find. If you had a page on which you added links to your work, we all could enjoy access to whatever poem we were thinking about. Sometimes I just like to read a few poems at one time, all written by the same person. If not simply for pleasure, it can also be a learning tool for me. I am always looking to see how poets put their thoughts together. And yes, reading published and or classic poetry helps in that direction, but I don't know those guys, I can't ask them questions....


I feel a connection to members of the forum and I truly believe that every poet here is every bit as worthy to be read as many of the touted greats. Not just when they add a new poem, the old ones should not just be forgotten when the group has commented. I just reread some of Aleks poems and she has such a gentle quality about her work, I just loved it. Each of you have your strengths upon which we all can draw on from rereading your poetry.


I know Tony and Aleks would help you get it done. As would I up to my limited ability. So set up an Archive page and fill it with links or just one link to one poem to start.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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I agree. One of my visions for the site has always been that it would serve as an archive for members' works. Let's say you want to share your work with someone. It would be much easier to give the person your Member Archive link rather than just saying "Go to this site, type in my name into the search, etc." With the one Member Archive link, the interested person would have all the works you want to share right there with one click. Besides, one has to be logged in to use the search feature. I don't even think we even have it enabled for guests. And even if you have your own website where you archive your work, you could, as Tinker suggests, simply include a link to it. Then, hopefully, this site's traffic will direct more traffic to your site. And don't forget, you can also share your writing and art sites in the Promotions forum.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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EDIT (to my earlier reply)


Tinker has reminded me by pm that the rules of the Member Archive forum state that links within the topics should not direct off site. So, yes, we will keep it that way. Please make sure links within the Member Archive direct only to pages on this site. If you would like to share links to your blogs or other writing and art sites, please use the Promotions forum.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi everyone. i would do this if i knew how. i have all my writings corrected by a editor named mariel. if you must know i am dying. it is my choice. i wanted to be a singer and song-writer. i am not able to play the paino anymore.


peace be with you always my friend.


+Victor Michael

~in Her

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Tink,


An excellent idea. After the few links I set up I gave up largely due to my my technical incompetence .


Aleksandra and Tony have offered help in the past and your post here makes a persuasive case for consolidating one's work on the board. It would help technically-challenged idiots like myself navigate better. ;)



Appreciate your generous commendation of your fellow-members' work and I hope to try again.

Edited by goldenlangur




Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Amen to all above. A lot of my writ of the past three years is in an archive of another forum, but the mechanisms are such that I cannot easily get any copies w/o copying each separately with some more than normal effort not to speak of the whole bundle.


I am forced to sell house and move to where my children and grandchildren have their domiciles. Will consider creating my own online archive w/limited access (by invitation) to my poet friends.

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  • 1 month later...

I like the idea of this tink. I would love a backup for all my poems but do not wish to intrude as I have not been active here for some time. But would love to be able to save them on a closed site as some of my poems are adult in content so I like not having them available to minors.


Problem is I have no idea how to do it and would not want to overwhelm you guys here. I have almost 400 poems on another site. I'm always afraid the site may crash one day so have been slowly writing them down on paper. Exporting them is easy enough. I can export them all at once as they have that option there.

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  • 10 months later...

A postscript to this very old post: I still like the Archive page because all links can appear on one page, but if you are too lazy to set this up . . . :rolleyes: or don't have the time.... a simpler way to connect all of your work is simply to put your name in the "Topic Tag" which appears right below the Title space. Each post that you make with your name entered in the topic tag will be linked to all other posts in which you have done the same thing.


To go back to old poems to add the link, simply go to the post, click on edit, then at the bottom of the page click on full editor and last type your name into the topic tag at the top of the page and save. I know I have already posted this info elsewhere but sometimes things need to be repeated. :o:wink::ph34r::blush:



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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