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Poetry Magnum Opus

I have walked


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I have walked upon the Earth
I have tasted the rain and
Sunk my hands into red soil

I have danced through forests
And sung my soul’s song into the air

I have spilled my tears upon the firmament
I have merged with the blue sea
And floated within a woman’s womb

I have felt the presence of angels around my body
And fought with demons in the darkness

I have kissed the lips of another
Felt the warmth of a lover’s body
I have held love within myself
And slept with hatred

I have feared the thought of death
And spilled out my blood upon dry clay
I have thrown my mind outward into the universe
Trying to solve its mysteries

I have danced naked through pure moonlight
And breathed in the perfume of wild jasmine
In the evenings

I have been a child
And seen secrets through innocent eyes
I have sinned against myself and others
And carried that regret and pain within me

I have called out to the eternal spirit
And heard the Sacred Echo behind my voice

I have dreamt strange dreams
And pondered riddles floating in an expansive sky

I have tasted the textures and joys of existence
I have walked upon the Earth
I have lived upon this Earth

To receive love, you have to give it...

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

Spectacular Douglas.... i want a encore from you for this was so bloody brilliant and then some. No way to top the icing on the cake when its already been spread.




Larsen M. Callirhoe

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