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Poetry Magnum Opus

On Reading


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On Reading


Not what is written

the implied hesitation

an intake of Breath

letting go


Rogue Ideas

go behind

sneak upon


            take one by surprise

Not through the frontal



directions unexpected

as if

as if

            You were being written

            bound to an inconvenient page

struck dumb


from the endless ecstasy of Light

by Its shadowed


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I love this, too. The length and layout are appealing, very much to my liking. 

"On Reading" is almost a description of a few key things that excite me about poetry: "reading" between the lines --

Not what is written

the implied hesitation 

-- and tempo:

an intake of breath

letting go ...

The last two stanzas are thrilling. The poem is pleasing, polished, competent, accomplished.



(PS -- Of course, use whatever line spacing you like, but if you prefer to use a single space between lines, just hold down SHIFT when you hit Enter/Return at the end of any line. I only mention this because it has occurred to me that the feature might not be very intuitive.)

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Thanks Tony & Tink! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And Tony indeed you 'got it' Have subscribed to the daily Paris Review Poem from the archives, and was reading “Portal,” by Ann Snodgrass and was struck by a particular motion, a textual sleight of hand, that I love when done well.And the poem emerged from that;-)

Highly recommend the Paris review daily poem list. Took a look at the website but could not find the signup, but poke around, well worth it;-)



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Dr_con, you remind me of one of my early favorite poet e. e. cummings with the structure of "In Just-". You have re-ignited my interest to look back at his work. I like the conceit of "You were being written/ bound to an inconvenient page". It reminds me of the painters who shifted from realism to the reality and physicality of the canvas. To poets, the space between words and the letters and symbols put there in.

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach

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