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I sit in judgement of no one and I do not claim perfection. I do thank Benjamin for providing me an inspiration with his Tic-Tac-Toe. Please note that I rarely write without punctuation. I think its lack gives this more of an immediacy.....



Never without a hat to cover hair or skin
Never without dark glasses to hide features
Never without a vest and tee shirt
Never without boots and just-so socks
Never without unzipped shorts
Never without – in our 3 encounters

Shadows and red lights could not hide
what he had exposed
what he held in his hand
what I put into my mouth

Never with a greeting
Never with a name
Never with an age
Never with an address
Never with any critique
Never with – in our 3 encounters

Shadows and red lights could not hide
what he put into my mouth
what he had in his hand
what he had -gloriously!- exposed


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A brave piece:

The desire to fulfil basic human needs and creature comforts is as diverse as human society is hypocritical. We struggle on and tend to drink at whatever wells slake our thirst.

I recall the days of my (pre political-correctness) youth; when someone said that, ugly people ought not have a sex drive. In my youthful view of that world I saw how many thought only the rich, powerful and privileged qualified for such sexual freedom. And the 11th commandment in the Urban Dictionary that says: "Thou shalt not get caught!" :smile: G.

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