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Poetry Magnum Opus

A Rhyme in Time

Frank E Gibbard

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Frank E Gibbard

I wrote this line at my terminal peril

A siren drew me to this chick Beryl

Though I knew no girl of that name

It was her or Cheryl either‘s the same

The jigsaw piece dovetailed so fittingly

The need in me to rhyme unwittingly

A fix in time for my words for to dance

My compulsion suaged by concordance

I am done literarily with the belle Beryl

Purpose fulfilled now bury her I will

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Did you take advantage of the ONLINE RHYMING DICTIONARY when you wrote this one, Frank? icon_lol.gif

The jigsaw piece dovetailed so fittingly

The need in me to rhyme unwittingly

But seriously, though you use the word literarily, it could easily be misread as literally, and hence the end seems sinister:

I am done literarily with the belle Beryl

Purpose fulfilled now bury her I will



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Hello Frank,


Your rhymes flow with such ease and like Tony I too sensed an underlying hint of the macabre.


Wondered, perhaps wrongly if this alludes in any way to the recent mercy killing stories in the BBC news. You show how easily life can be dispensed, figuratively of course, but even so:




Frank E Gibbard wrote:


I wrote this line at my terminal peril


My compulsion suaged by concordance

I am done literarily with the belle Beryl

Purpose fulfilled now bury her I will








Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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