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Poetry Magnum Opus

PMO Members' Promotional Blog

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Contributors to this blog

  • badger11 107
  • David W. Parsley 9
  • Terry L shuff 5
  • MrDunnePoetry 3
  • tonyv 1
  • jakecaller 1
  • eclipse 1


Recommended Comments

Phil, nice work, tastefully presented, in an attractive publication. When I first read it, it came across as old/young just having a good time, but then I saw the accompanying trigger warning! Of course, I experienced it from my own peculiar perspective first. 


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We all have perspectives Tony, makes us individuals, at least that is what I believe😃

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David W. Parsley


Attractive publication indeed, clearly a labor of love.  Like Tony, I would have picked up on some ambivalence but not the whole context, not without the title and early Content Warning.  This, despite the hint from the "rum smile" and "uncapped a bottle", which just seemed to fit in with the other images of sailing adventures, father-son play, etc.  Skillfully and imaginatively played, Phil.  And the closing line comes swooping in so fast it takes one's breath away.  Sheer magic.


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I had some wandering to do before I found a harbour for this poem Dave!

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