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April is National Poetry Month

In preparation for April, National Poetry Month, I ran across an article at Poet's.org that gave 30 things to do for the month of April.   I modified the list and whittled it down to 15 ideas.  Although if you click on the link you can see all 30.

15 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month

  1. Sign up for Poem-a-Day and read a poem each morning.
  2. Memorize a poem.
  3. Create an anthology of your favorite poems and post one a day under A Poem I Read Today with a short commentary from you. We already have a nice collection here. I'd love to see more of what you all read.
  4. Buy a book of poetry from your local bookstore. Let's financially support poets we love to read.
  5. Learn more about poets and poetry events in your state or province.
  6. Attend a poetry reading at a local university, bookstore, cafe, or library. I've never done this, it always seemed highbrow but I think I will seek one out.
  7. Read a poem at an open mic. It’s a great way to meet other writers in your area and find out about your local poetry writing community. I've never done this either and I don't intend to start now.. But for someone out there . . .
  8. Start a poetry reading group. Or join the members of this group in reading and sharing published poems we've read.
  9. Write an exquisite corpse poem with friends.
  10. Chalk a poem on the sidewalk. I have some sidewalk chalk I think I'll do this with maybe a haiku.
  11. Deepen your daily experience by reading Edward Hirsch’s essay “How to Read a Poem.”
  12. Read about different poetic forms right here at PMO.
  13. Subscribe to American Poets magazine or a small press poetry journal.
  14. Read Allen Ginsberg’s classic essay about Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass.”
  15. Join me in writing a poem each day of April and post it here at PMO.

IT is number 15 that I have already committed to do. It would be fun to see other's join me. I did it once before a few years ago and I actually produced a couple of decent poems from the exercise. So schedule your time to fit in a few minutes of writing each day and join me in celebrating National Poetry Month with a new poem everyday. I was thinking how could I do this without clogging up the page of new poems. I've decided to keep the poems all in one thread, adding a new poem each day as a reply. The thread won't be broken if someone chooses to add a reply to my thread. I would welcome comments. So get ready, April is only 8 days away. ~~Tink


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