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Poetry Magnum Opus

Visual Life


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I see myself again walking

in a corridor or alley


lit by reflected light

off the main street,


from where children in their bare feet

run, passing by cars parked


on both sides, and in an empty slot

a throng of women sit


around a bingo table, their cards

with numbers marked with stones.


Or in an avenue of a business district

with buildings, tall on both sides


slicing up the sunlight

in patterns of shadows


across the faces of crowds

in their branded shoes or sneakers,


as big SUV cars, one after the other

unload their VIPs on the side,


and before big glass doors,

smiles and hand shakes.


I can hear from the glossy surface,

across the entire scale of grey


the shrill of children,

the honks of cars,


where I was in one moment of life

immersed in its pulse.



Inspired by this video


"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach

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A well wrought street scene- perfect in its description & I love the lines:



where I was in one moment of life

immersed in its pulse.


Well done!



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I love how you captured and immortalized a metropolitan moment. I watched the video (itself interesting), and I think it's terrific how it inspired you to write this poem. Thanks for sharing the source of inspiration; it's far enough removed that no one could have ever guessed it. Super work, Joel!



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Hello Joel. Enjoyed your poem and the video. A nice thought,"The whole world's open to you now." It affords a sense of perspective in many ways. Benjamin.

Edited by Benjamin
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Thank you, DC, Tony and Ben, for the read. Sometimes I need something like that to push me to write :-)

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach

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Yes, a nice touch of everyday life. I particularly like


where I was in one moment of life

immersed in its pulse.




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