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  1. Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry Southeast Asian Verse Thailand, formerly known as Siam is at the center of Southeast Asia, bordered by Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. It is the only country in south-east Asia to never have been under colonial rule. The poetry has been influenced mostly by the Buddhist religion and by the monarchy and its military. Chann seems to be the most variable of the Thai forms with indistinct features which are vague and change with whatever source one reads. The syllables are measured as light or heavy. Most sources agree that it is a descendant of the Pali meters and often uses 17 or 18 syllables. Line count, rhyme and tone are alluded to but undefined. I was able to find 2 forms of the Chann at Wikipedia, both stress the heavy or light syllable. Inthrawichian Chann which is written in a series of quatrains made up of 11 syllable lines. The lines may be made up of a 5 syllable phrase and a 6 syllable phrase, it is unclear. Syllables are measured by heavy = H and light = L which is impossible to emulate in English. HHLHH LLHLHH HHLHH LLHLHH HHLHH LLHLHH HHLHH LLHLHH Rhyme scheme: x being unrhymed x x x x a x x a x x b x x x x b x x x x x c x x x x d x x d x x c x x x x c x x x x x x Wasantadilok Chann is written a series of quatrains, made up of 14 syllable lines, possibly made up of an 8 syllable phrase followed by a 6 syllable phrase. Syllables are measured by heavy and light HHLHLLLH LLHLHH HHLHLLLH LLHLHH HHLHLLLH LLHLHH Rhyme scheme: x being unrhymed. x x x x x x x a x x a x x b x x x x x x x b x x x x x c x x x x x x x d x x d x x c x x x x x x x c x x x x x x The Kaap is a genre of Thai verse that describes nature. The Kloang is stanzaic verse usually of proverbs originating in Thailand. One source suggests the Kloang attempts to capture the rhythm of oar strokes on the water. (Which is a similar to a description of the Malaysian Pantun but with very different elements.) A Thai landmark Phra Mondob (Scripture Hall) built in the 19th century is decorated with Thai Verse proverbs called Kloang Lokaniti engraved on the outer-walls . The form is considered poetry of the intellectual because of its complicated tonal and rhyme patterns. Along with the Raay, it is one of the oldest forms of Thai poetry. It was developed when the Thai language had only 3 tones, high, low and neutral, the language now has 5 tones. The tonal pattern of the Kloang creates a unique rhythm which is its defining feature and impossible to emulate in English. I read, (sorry I didn't write down the source), Thailand's honored poet Sunthorn Phy's (1786-1855) most exciting adventure poem "Nirat Suphan" was written in the Kloang form. The elements of the Kloang are: syllabic. L1, L2, L3 are 7 syllables each, L4 is 9 syllables. stanzaic, written with any number of quatrains. composed with an interweaving or cross rhyme scheme. The end word of L1 rhymes with the 5th syllables of L2 and L3. The end word of L2 rhymes with the 5th syllable of L4. L3 and L4 end rhyme. Stanzas are linked by the repetition of the end rhyme of L4 repeated as the 5th syllable of L1 of the next stanza and the rhyme pattern repeats itself. is most often a poem of nature. tonal which is impossible in the English language. x x x x a x b x x x x b x a x x x x b x c x x x x a x x x c x x x x c x d x x x x d x c x x x x d x e x x x x c x x x e Arctic Love Gnarly feet trudge on the ice, eighty miles entice a pawn of nature, the price to mate, four year cycle drawn up to create. ~~ Judi Van Gorder The Kloon or Klon (meaning simple verse) is sometimes known as the "true Thai poetic form". It is the basic and most common Thai verse written with simple subjects and simple words, but with a very complicated rhyme scheme. The elements of the Kloon are: stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains syllabic, 4 to 8 syllables per line. (if 4 syllable lines, it is written in octaves.) composed with each line made up of 2 to 3 phrases. rhymed with an intricate rhyme pattern. It is language specific making the internal rhyme difficult for English writers. Therefore the internal rhyme may be optional or reduced when writing in English. The tone is looser than most Thai forms but the end syllable of each line is usually rising which is in sync with most Western verse in iambic meter. x x a x a x a b x x b x b x x c x x x x x x x c x x c x c x x d x d x d x a e x x e x e x x f x x x x x x x f x x f x f x x g Rocking Out It's the beat repeating, heating up the singing, tingling, cool sounds that rock my mute world and rebounds off the ground, no frowns, just big smiles. ~~ Judi Van Gorder The Lilit is an alternating Raay and Kloang verse. Usually the Raay is used to describe the action and the Kloang is the dialogue. The elements of the Lilit are: stanzaic, alternating Raay couplets with Kloang quatrains. syllabic, the couplets are 5 syllable lines and the quatrains are L1-L3 7 syllable lines and L4 is a 9 syllable line. couplets composed with a chain, linking the lines of the couplet and linking the stanzas. rhymed, composed with cross, interlaced and end rhyme . x x x x a a x x x b b x x x c x d x x x x d x c x x x x d x e x x x x c x x x e e x x x f f x x x g g x x x h x I x x x x i x h x x x x i x j x x x x h x x x j The Raay or Rai is a forerunner of the Kloang and has the same unique, language specific, tonal pattern which is impossible to emulate in English. It is the oldest indigenous form of Thai poetry and dates back to the 13th century. It is a chained verse, written with the end syllable of L1 rhymed with the beginning syllable of L2 and so on. It was often used to record laws and chronicle events in verse. The elements of the Raay are stanzaic, written in a series of couplets. syllabic, 5 syllables per line. chain rhymed, the last syllable of L1 rhymes with the first syllable of L2 and so on. Gulf Coast Saturday Morning Hurricane Barry ferries destruction. Disruption of life, rife with wind and rain. Strain on Saturday, stay or flee the storm. Warm, muggy zephyr suffers light damage. Images of flood, mud and mess hit news. ~~Judi Van Gorder 7-13-2019 Invitation Give this form a try, Thai verse in July. Why not join the quest, test your writing skill? Will you meet with me, be brave, write a Raay. ~~ Judi Van Gorder Visit to the Vet by Judi Van Gorder The Totok is a verse form in 4 unrhymed lines of anapestic tetrameter. I found this form in only one source although I was able to find that the word "Totok" refers to Cantonese immigrants that come to Thailand and tend to retain their Chinese language and customs. The elements of the Totok are: a poem in 4 lines. accentual syllabic, anapestic tetrameter. uuS uuS uuS uuS unrhymed. Anticipated A tick ticking of earth's endless seasonal clock, though our Winter stayed late, Spring began without fanfare, silent sprouts broke the surface of frost covered ground slipping Spring forth with showers and flowers and light. ~~ Judi Van Gorder
  2. Tinker


    Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry Irish Verse The Conachlonn is simply the Irish version of chained verse, examples found at Celtia. The elements of the Conachlonn are: written in any number of lines. syllabic at the poet's discretion, often 8 or 9 syllable lines assonant chained rhymed, meaning the vowel sound of the last syllable of the line is repeated at the beginning of the next line. written with dunadh, the beginning syllable ends the poem. Chained to the Frame by Judi Van Gorder Clear is this verse with unique rhyme lines to end then begin with same sound. bound by little more than a French chain, claiming candid words to record here.
  3. Tinker

    Chain Verse

    Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry French Verse Chain Verse is a poetic technique rather than a stanzaic form, although a distinct frame did emerge during the Middle Ages. This technique was especially popular with the troubadours of Provence because of its pleasing rhythm. Its relative obscurity suggests the technique was more effective sung than as the written word. The French Chain Verse of the Middle Ages was used by the troubadours to pass along political news disguised as entertainment. In particular the "Grands Rhetoriquers", late 17th century thru early 18th century, courtly poets of Burgundy and later Paris, favored the verse. It is a loose descendant of ancient Greece's Echo Verse. Its influence can be seen in several French verse forms, the Triolet, Rondeau and Villanelle etc. Repetition is central to the technique. Linking words or syllables, often same sound different meaning (rich rhyme) is repeated from the end of one verse or stanza to the beginning of the next. Note: In the 1940s an American poet created what he called a "chain poem" which has nothing to do with the linking technique explained above. It simply is a line of verse written by one poet then sent off to another poet to add another line and so on. Sort of like a chain letter but the poem keeps growing line by line written by different poets. Chain Verse is composed in one of three ways: Chain verse can be line by line. Like its ancient Greek ancestor, Chain Verse is composed with the last word or syllable of one line repeated in the beginning of the next line. Here are two examples, one a translated French Chained Verse from the Middle Ages, the other a modern use of the technique demonstrating a creative use of rich rhyme. Both I found at Poetry Through Ages. Untitled by French Anonymous Nerve thy soul with doctrines noble, Noble in the walks of time, Time that leads to an eternal, An eternal life sublime. Life sublime in moral beauty, Beauty that shall never be; Ever be to lure thee onward, Onward to the fountain free. Free to every earnest seeker, Seeker for the fount of youth; Youth exultant in its beauty, Beauty of the living truth. Mothering by Robert Yehling (1959 - ) Wisp of fog descends upon the meadow. Doe guides new fawns through sweeping grasses, sisters on shaky legs capturing scents, scents their bodies recall with fright, delight, light of morning sun not ten minutes old. Bold, the new dawn touches tender bodies descending into the thicket of tendrils, Drill down, little fawn mouths, mouths seeking shoots and dandelions, lions of green kingdoms, meadows, just-born morn, a new dawn. The doe walks on. Chain Verse can be stanzaic, linked by repeating the last word of a stanza as the first word of the next stanza. The repetition of a word from one verse or stanza to the next creates a chain-like link. The elements of Stanzaic chains are: most often written in any number of quatrains but any stanza form will do, usually rhymed, linking rhyme (often rich rhyme) as well as alternate rhyme. often syllabic, alternating longer-shorter lines. One example is alternating 8-7-8-7 syllables the other is alternating 6-5-6-5 syllables per line. Chain Verse can be written in what today is more readily recognized as a Crown, with the last line of the stanza repeated as the first line of the next stanza. Untitled by John Byrom (English poet 1692-1763) My spirit longeth for thee Within my troubled breast, Although I be unworthy Of so divine a guest. Of so divine a guest, Unworthy though I be Yet has my heart no rest, Unless it comes from thee. Unless it comes from thee In vain I look around, In all that I can see, No rest is to be found. No rest is to be found But in thy blessed love, Oh let my wish be crowned, And send it from above.
  4. Tinker

    Echo Verse

    Explore the Craft of Writing Greek Verse Echo Verse is a poetic devise or writing technique rather than a verse form. Repetition is key, a word or two at the end of a line is repeated as the next line like an echo. The technique dates back to Ancient Greece. It also was popular during the Middle Ages, termed Chained Verse and sung by the troubadours of Provence France. Modern day Echo Verse often changes the echoed word in some clever, off handed or cynical manner. The echo can be the same word or syllable or a pun. The stanza, meter, rhyme are all at the discretion of the poet. The only requirement is the repetition of the end word or syllables of the previous line. Let's Take It With Ease by Judi Van Gorder A Gentle Echo On Woman by Jonathan Swift Shepherd. What most moves women when we them address? Echo. A dress. Shepherd. Say, what can keep her chaste whom I adore? Echo. A door. Shepherd. If music softens rocks, love tunes my lyre. Echo. Liar. Shepherd. Then teach me, Echo, how shall I come by her? Echo. Buy her. When bought, no question I shall be her dear? Echo. Her deer. Shepherd. But deer have horns: how must I keep her under? Echo. Keep her under. Shepherd. But what can glad me when she's laid on bier? Echo. Beer.Shepherd. What must I do when women will be kind? Echo. Be kind. Shepherd. What must I do when women will be cross? Echo. Be cross. Shepherd. Lord, what is she that can so turn and wind? Echo. Wind. Shepherd. If she be wind, what stills her when she blows? Echo. Blows. Shepherd. But if she bang again, still should I bang her? Echo. Bang her. Shepherd. Is there no way to moderate her anger? Echo. Hang her. Shepherd. Thanks, gentle Echo! right thy answers tell What woman is and how to guard her well. Echo. Guard her well.
  5. Tinker

    Chained Sonnet

    Explore the Craft of Writing Poetry The Sonnet Sonnet Comparison Chart Chained Sonnet is any sonnet that uses the poetic device of chaining. The elements of the Chained sonnet are: the verse is written in any sonnet form. chained when the end word of the previous line is the first word of the next line. flexible, at the poet's discretion, to bring the sonnet full circle the first word of the sonnet is the last word of the sonnet.
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