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pawn shop

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pawn shop

Thanks Tony for the new advise on keeping a 2nd copy of your material....because you never know when a poetry web-site will be obliterated from off the face of the earth. It's kinda like telling Custard's friends not to go to Little Big Horn. I'm over the initial shock of the last site....and I do commend you and Alek bouncing back so quickly from what happened. It is true, you do have to move on and never be discouraged......but ouch....it hurt. I was idiotic not to have 2nd copies of what I was writing. Idiotic. kopfschuettel.gif

I chose the name pawn shop....because.....I felt all my best works were stolen or destroyed....as if in a fire or flood or earthquake........and now all I have are odds and ends to offer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, I am so sorry you lost poems in the last site. Others did, too. But, as Alek pointed out in her reply on PC, things like this can happen in a virtual world. We are at the mercy of various others. So yes, please keep a backup, even if it is with pencil and paper. I myself love to write in a notebook with a pen.


I am sure you will keep writing, because it is in your nature. I'm glad you joined here, and I hope you will continue to share your new stuff with us.




PS -- when I saw pawnshop, my initial thought was spam. Only when I looked closer later on and saw your email which I recognized, did I realize we had a legitimate new member. So I apologize for your having to wait until the next morning to log in.

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Hello Jonathan, I am so sorry as I told you before too. And I am sad too... But we can't and should not stop to write. We are poets and we should keep our spirit, not mater what is happening. And yes the lost job is lost, but not means that you should stop here. It hurts I agree, and I lost some of my work too, and for me is harder to write on English, but we must go on...


I am sorry again and yes, we must keep copies of our work. We learned now, but always there is a first time.

I hope we will see soon some of your new work, and don't give up. You have nice poetical spirit and all poems comes from you, and I am sure there will be a lot again.


So I wait, as others too, to share your work with us again. Thank you for join, I am glad to see you with us again.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Hey Jonathan,


Nice to see you here. I am sorry to hear you lost a lot of your work, now I understand why you used 2 names, one for your poems and one for your responses. It wasn't just because you wanted to keep them separate, it was your filing system. This is terrible. At least a lot of your work is still at the Connection and PMO was only up relatively a short window of time. If I were you I would find a way of saving the work at the Connection now.


This is the 3rd time I have been a member of a community that crashed and burned. It happens more often that any of us would like to think. I am surprised the Connection hasn't met that fate. It is older and the crash usually happens when the old server fills up and the webmasters need to change over their system to allow for more growth. Sometimes it is just messy for a while and the stuff isn't lost it is just moved around so it is hard to find, other times like the loss of PMO, everything is gone. One community I belonged to was hacked and the hacker thought it funny to destroy all of the poems there (that work also was never recovered) This site is safer and has software to avert the hacker I believe. It can't be stressed enough that we must all keep a backup of our work.


I too lost some stuff in the crash but mostly only poems I wrote as a response to something I had read on the board. What I regret most was the loss of the wonderful poetry of all of the others that posted here. The quality of writing at the PMO by so many of the poets made for an incredible anthology of work that I could go to peruse whenever I chose.


In one way, you are lucky, in that often your inspiration comes from scripture. With that rich source always at your disposal, you should be cranking out new work soon. I look forward to reading it.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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Thank you for your support and understanding and compassion.

I didn't eat for four days.....just drank booze and smoked cigerettes.....

" The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away "....comforted me.

As a side note, I never drink when I'm sad......and it didn't help matters at all.

The last time I felt like this was over a junior high school girl who broke up with me.


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Thank you for your support and understanding and compassion.

I didn't eat for four days.....just drank booze and smoked cigerettes.....

" The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away "....comforted me.

As a side note, I never drink when I'm sad......and it didn't help matters at all.

The last time I felt like this was over a junior high school girl who broke up with me.



Ah Jonathan I like it because even in bad mood you hold your spirit icon_biggrin.png so clear and always interesting. And don't smoke cigarrets a lot. And if you think that is the same sadness as when that girl broke up with you, so you must know that, the pain will go away soon icon_wink.gif


I am glad that you are writing again.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Even though ( though/tough )

it's been about a month.....

I'm a different man now.....

I still feel slightly frustrated....

'time heals on wounds'......

Thanks Alek !

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You said just so well. yes my Jonathan " time heals on wounds " I am glad that you feel better and you are welcome.


Thank you



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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