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Poetry Magnum Opus

For Melvin

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

Though our skin was different colors

and our lifes so different our paths

would meet in the river we call life.


Wr walked on the dessert road

and our hopes and dreams shattered.


You were shot in the neck,

I was in a car wreck.


We would talk

about the spiritual aspects

and we foumd common ground.


We would drink beer every month

for three months every weekend.


We talked about so much

since we both are quadriplegics.


Strangers our spirits

were not indeed.


We would dance to the same tune

in our hearts and talk up a storm.


I would move away

leaving you behind

my friend Melvin.


In my soul

I will never forget you.


One day we will both walk again

and be in glorified bodies

dancing on the clouds

and drink fine wine.


Rest in peace my friend.

In Hebrew the word Shalom

means peace.


Everytime I see a rainbow

in a cloudy sky it reminds me

of you and the peace God promised us

that i know one day will exist on Earth.


We both were meant

to debunk

doomsday theories in the world

teaching that Christ will return

and restore peace forever.

Larsen M. Callirhoe


A touching poem to remind how fragile and dear life and friendships can be:


You were shot in the neck,

I was in a car wreck.


We would talk

about the spiritual aspects

and we found common ground.


We would drink beer every month

for three months every weekend.


We talked about so much

since we both are quadriplegics.


Strangers our spirits

were not indeed.


The poem goes on to give hope by mentioning a reunion unhampered by physical limitations--


I would move away

leaving you behind

my friend Melvin.


In my soul

I will never forget you.


One day we will both walk again

and be in glorified bodies

dancing on the clouds

and drink fine wine.

-- albeit with an unexpected twist:


Rest in peace my friend ...

An eloquent, heartfelt elegy.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Hi victor,


Across race and different paths you and Melvin shared a spiritual bond. Initially the reader imagines this is a celebration of a friendship but the turn in your closing line gives this beautiful tribute a haunting poignancy - it is a celebration of a friend who is no more.



My sympathy for your loss.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

Frank E Gibbard

Kudos to you Larse for this one. We meet your friend in this and hear of his demise by implication, circumstances unknown - sad that; an impactful pay-off for the piece. Good one, Frank.


This is indeed a lovely and deeply moving tribute. You made my heart weep.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi everyone,


the reason melvin and i had such common ground was his finance' who was over ten years older then him and was white was cleaning her pistol that he had because they went to a firng range that day or a few days earlier and she didnt realize the gun was not empty. she dropped the gun on the floor and the bullet hit him in the neck, my wife was the one that caused my accident. we both blame ourselves that we were niot careful enough. i had a dream about 4 years ago or 5 years ago and i saw his spirit at peace and he smiled to me. i sent a letter their last christmas and it was sent back to post undeliverable. i guess he is deceased.


anyway the common ground we share is both out companions at the time caused our paralyzsises. he was a c-6 and i am a c-5 on the left and a c-8 on the right.


i was a little sad about his situation. after all i knew he had a sensitive stomach and he was always throwing up and 4 beers got him drunk.''


the nursing home i left said you could drink one glass a day as long as you had a doctor's note and this nursing home doesn't allow it,'


cheers everyone

victor aka larsen

Larsen M. Callirhoe


Dear Victor, I agree with the others and this is a beautiful dedicated poem.

I like how you expressed yourself about somebody with who you share something similar, and you know the feeling to express on the best way. And your poem sound so strong and powerful because is written with a lots of emotions.


Thank you for sharing Vic.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



Larsen M. Callirhoe

thanks guys for the comments.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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