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Poetry Magnum Opus

For Better or For Worse.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

For Better or For Worse.


When you take your marriage vows isn’t it an eternity of trials and triumphsWe work hard to build a foundation with a cherished loved one.Why does it seem like honor in marriage doesn’t exist anymore. it is like take the blue pill and live and take the red pill and die


Marriage isn’t supposed to be about changes.I thought that was what dating was all about. My heart was crushed in marriage. I took the blue pill and it seems my wife was against me. She clearly took no pill and slipped me the red pill when I thought it was the blue pill.,


Life should be more than just missed opportunities and chances,Ride like the wind and no one knows where you will be carried to. Take my hand and trust me. That is what life seems to be all about. Tears in the wind so another failed marriage,




Sometimes in life you do not know what pill you are getting.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Great to see you take on the prose poem, Victor. This part delivers a serious dose of lucidity:


Marriage isn’t supposed to be about changes.I thought that was what dating was all about.

And this hurts like a kick in the face:


My heart was crushed in marriage. I took the blue pill and it seems my wife was against me. She clearly took no pill and slipped me the red pill when I thought it was the blue pill.,

You sum it up:


Sometimes in life you do not know what pill you are getting.

It's a pleasure to read your work again.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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My dear Victor. How nice to see you back with writing. You have been missed around. I hope you are good.


This poem sounds sad and hurtful. And the ending line is very truthful.


Thank you for sharing and hopefully we'll see you soon with more poetry of you.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Heartfelt writing Victor, the choice of pills graphically illustrated the options.


Sometimes in life you do not care what pill you are getting.



Edited by badger11
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