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Larsen M. Callirhoe

I'm glad to see ya around.

its been a long long while.

Tho the years have kept us apart

your warm embrace

is always welcomed here.


I cried to sleep

the day you left my side.


Always wondered

how'd you been

coming around.


Three angel-god sent children

and a look of a mother

on your face.


Me I've been around.

Written over a 100 short stories

and over 500 poems to keep me busy.


I moved to the mountains

in November 1999.


I am cold with out you

as a friend in my life.


God has shown you sorrow

and given you three warm embraces.


Glad to see you around.

I'm happy after all

we put one another thru

we can still call

each other friends.


Yes time heals all wounds

I guess there is a God after all.

May this entity bless you, your husband,

and your three lovely children.


Me I'll get around.

I always seem to somehow.


It is cold outside

and time for me to sip my coffee

and send this to you

my friend Joyce.

Larsen M. Callirhoe


A poem of forgiveness and the impact of time- It demonstrates a maturation of your relationship to the subject and is well executed... There are a few misspellings and errors:


kept up apart
Kept us apart


God as shown you sorrow
God Has


But I love the intention and the feeling of warm/cool acceptance...


Well done,



Larsen M. Callirhoe

Hi dr con. You can ask Aleks about her making those corrections. I seem to be in a rutt. Im very ill. Aleks could you? I can't see to well and I am shaky. To type this memo was a chore. I soon might pass into the great unknown. The doctor I had looked nervous.

Larsen M. Callirhoe


Always willing to help Victor dear. I am sorry for not catching up on time. I am worried about you and please be fine and may God help you. My prayers are with you my dear friend.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




This is quite good, Victor. The poem derives its strength from the conversational tone and how you balance various chronological events with the present:


Me I've been around.

Written over a 100 short stories

and over 500 poems to keep me busy.


I moved to the mountains

in November 1999.


I am cold with out you

as a friend in my life.

The narrator-poet's forgiveness is genuine, and there's a sense of peace and closure all the way around:


It is cold outside

and time for me to sip my coffee

and send this to you

my friend Joyce.

A perfect ending that seems to "say it all." This is truly one of your finest.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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