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Poetry Magnum Opus

Source of Corruption


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Source of Corruption


Everyone's a poet he sd

I just stare at the boulder

become a boulder it dominates

We huddle trying to be open

not the time I sd


The sky falls as predicted

The world is mad I reply

sing me an old song he sys

No not that one

something speaks

to the heart

or head


I eat raspberries and remember

the Old World Garden in the New World suburbs

A Wooden fence next to the smoke house- a hole

for smoking eels when fishing with Downstate friends-

covered with goose currant raz and black berries

Silent- a hot summer evening cricket and thorn

hidden in playful chorus that moment stripped

naked of pretense ambition and thought

no-garden no-desire no-time no-time


Back here he sd

By the waves and rocks and sun

speaking clearly in this hotspring

bubbling from deep within lava

and earth and strata and sea

carrying sulfuric warmth

along the spine

of this planet

to right here


I've never been

anywhere else I sd.

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I enjoyed the pace of this poem, Juris; it waxes to its culmination, then wanes. This part is inspired:


I eat raspberries and remember

the Old World Garden in the New World suburbs

A Wooden fence next to the smoke house- a hole

for smoking eels when fishing with Downstate friends-

covered with goose currant raz and black berries

Silent- a hot summer evening cricket and thorn

hidden in playful chorus that moment stripped

naked of pretense ambition and thought

no-garden no-desire no-time no-time

The poem also has a visually pleasing layout. And that's a bonus!



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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