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Poetry Magnum Opus

shadow and light


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shadow and light


I feel close to freedom today

Ravens and other carrion eaters

swoop through the early morning fog

intent on finding remains for breakfast

I see the corpses on July Fifth scattered

by the corner store where new drunks

arrange their blankets trying to forget

roofs and beds their passable lives

Even the birds don’t care


about the American flag used bottle rockets

firecrackers broken beer bottles and other signifiers

of another failed attempt to bring back the dead child

who reveled in wanton destruction pyrotechnics

and torture of beings lower on the evolutionary

ladder unable to distinguish between god

and country or candy and vegetables


That’s all gone now


But we were talking about liberation

Not the bright bang of sudden conversion

or the rollercoaster of privilege and place

but the impact of water on granite

the gradual creation of cracks

in what once seemed solid

the inevitable collapse

leaving only


the vessel hollow but full

of shadow and light

at the root

of it all.

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Poignant, lucid, hard-hitting -- this one's one of you best, Juris. I like the glimpse of the personal you deliver in this sobering, occasional piece.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Dr sometimes what lies in the shadows is more the truth than what lies in the light. We are easily blinded. Insightful poem!

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

I enjoyed juris.



fader very wise reply. gives me something too bite on when talking to others who focus only on what they see not realising there is beauty in what we don't realize.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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