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The Vessel


Remembering that we have forgotten

the purple blossomed acacia slaps me

from three blocks away the psychoactive

alkaloids laugh vigorously at my-our us-it


An impossible poem to write

defying form and intention

an empty vessel pouring

its contents in structure

two broken windows

repaired by lenses

can’t read signs

at a distance




to fall over-the ground a psychopomp

supporting presumptive truths

like the smell of summer

or sage at high noon

a blank sky shade

no-where found

and a single



We are that

and the rest is this ship

rocking silently in sight of illusory shores.

two broken windows

repaired by lenses


I like this part especially, what a great illustration. I also like the reference to form and the shape the words make on the page... like a fountain vessel. Very nice work.




Wow, Dr.Con. This is an amazing poem. I think poem it's something different than the rest of your poems, with its tone and sense. But at the same time, reminds me on your older poems with its visual effect and construction.


I like the clear expressions and the soft sound that this poem provides.


Thank you for sharing.



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia




Thank You Aleks and Rachel have been off adventuring so I'm glad you enjoyed my return to the series...





Like that notion of a poem that defies the poet's intention!


Now that is familiar :rolleyes:



Larsen M. Callirhoe

Amazing poem Juris. Your to clever forme. This is awesome. As much as I write about the subject of love held and painful separation I do visit other subjects occasionally going back to your new series this follows in line from the last in this series which means I will have to dig it up and see what i wrote and if I made any remarks.


Juris, your poetry is very complex and deep in symbolism of what you have learned in your experiences and is so well crafted if i could write like an other person it would be you. You have allot of under standing with the values you have faith in I admire that quality and the quality in you.





Larsen M. Callirhoe


You are very creative, Dr_Con. There are lots to like here. The opening line "Remembering...forgotten", what a paradox! So is this line "an empty vessel pouring /its contents ". I can't help smiling at "my-our us-it ". "two broken windows/repaired by lenses" - Great line.


Much enjoyed.




Victor, Lake and Badge- I am deeply gratified by your responses and as always truly appreciate that you take the time to engage in my mad rambles;-)


Much Grace,




A poem of subtle and not-so-subtle contradictions. They're summed up well at the end:


We are that

and the rest is this ship

rocking silently in sight of illusory shores.

The vessel. Is it the body, is it the planet, or is it the urn? The poem somehow resembles an urn.


This one's just right, Juris. It's not too long and not too short. I've read it a number of times (it reads quite well), and it's been a pleasure each time.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

Posted (edited)

Hi DC,


Reading your poem as an ordinary Buddhist it seems you have honed into the inherent contradictions of the human condition :


Remembering / forgotten


empty vessel pouring


presumptive truths


illusory shores


But you also touch on the aesthetics of creativity - smoothing the apparent contradictions of perception and experience to arrive at a work that stands alone in its own right without the baggage of truths/falsehoods, natural/unnatural.


I love the startling and original imagery here:


... purple blossomed acacia slaps me



Wonderfully thought-provoking. The sonority is really good when read out aloud.

Edited by goldenlangur




Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Thanks Golden and Tony!


Golden you read it perfectly. Tony I appreciate your patience and insight!



Many, many Thanks all!



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