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Poetry Magnum Opus

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As though

the pot were

a basin, where

lettuce, spinach and cabbage

grow, where cows

and sheep graze.

And fat fish and shrimp

swim and swarm

the river surface.


We watch -

in the boiling

spicy soup, the greens

absorbing drops of oil

turn glossy green.

Fresh red and white

slices sink then rise,

in curled and uncurled



That is how

they assimilate in

this rich broth,

a collage of tastes

and colors,

a beauty in one pot

while still keeping

their own unchangeable





This is wonderful, Lake. How well expressed! I was doing some work here on the board, and one of my best friends, who owns a Thai restaurant, just delivered some world class tofu pad thai and Thai fried rice to my home as a surprise. I inhaled the food, came back to read this, and now I'm ready for round two.:D I love how you describe the hot pot "environment." Appetizing ...



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic




another naturalist work, which says so much and yet remains plain spoken and direct- Very, very enjoyable and it makes me hungry ;-)





Cooking raise to the level of poetry!

"Words are not things, and yet they are not non-things either." - Ann Lauterbach


Hi Tony,


I like what you say "the hot pot environment", which can be refereed to different things that I was trying to deliver.


Thanks and I like your new photo.




Hi Dr.


Yes, I agree it is plain spoken and direct. Glad you enjoyed it.




Hi Badger,


I think you get most of what I wanted to express.


Thank you.




Life teeming in all its multi-layed colour.



Glad it didn't completely fail.


Thanks much.




Cooking raise to the level of poetry!

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