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Poetry Magnum Opus

Salami, Salamis, Salaam

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Posted (edited)

Pannerola pergolum,

dammenola ergo sum;

penda quenda senda mi,

pende quende send to me


amore, more amore.


Oremus, Tio Rabbita,

non che la habita:

negroni vobiscum.

Bebemus, bebe.


Carolina del sul

io non sempre ein fool

wie du so da denkst



Non, non, pas encore,

nein, nicht any more,

malum nahii, níl is agam:

ye to bahot acchaa.


DNA veni, out to play.


Ma... ma... manaqua alam nunc,

tra la ... faquin é slam dunc!

Edited by dedalus

Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim


Gonna need some help with this one, Brendan. Had this been posted by some new member, I would have had to refer him to the part in the rules which states that



IV. English Language


Poetry Magnum Opus is primarily an English language bulletin board. Topics, posts, and discussions (with the exception of those carried on using the private messaging feature) should be in English. Poems in languages other than English may be posted in the World Poetry section. The poster should strive to include an English translation of any such poem, but, in any case, ensuing and related discussions must be in English. Topics and posts that are not in accordance with this rule may be locked or deleted by the administration in its sole discretion.



But okay, it's our Brendan, and he probably wouldn't do something that would piss us off ... like post porn in Elvish ... or calls to Jihad in Arabic.


Anyway, I'm hoping you'll provide a translation (or at least give some background if a translation isn't practical) if this isn't in a language you made up. To me it looks like a mix of Arabic, Irish, German, English, Spanish, Latin, and then some.


Tony :)

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Clever! Clever way to sneak a few past censorship. When did Uncle Remus start playing basketball?


Latin is a language dead.

That's plain enough to see.

It killed off all the Romans,

And now it's killing thee.


OK, guys, sorry to keep you waiting. It is NOT hidden porn, Tony, except maybe for the last line with it's "(adj) slam dunk!"; instead it is kind of a lazy stroll through four or five languages on the lookout for sounds and rhythms and with a bit of made-up language at the interstices. It's an exercise (a far too energetic word) in poetry as sheer sound. That's one of the things I'm interested in so I just went there for the fun of it. One of the best responses I have received -- on another site, natch ... "My God, you speak such good Italian!". I love it.

Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim

OK, guys, sorry to keep you waiting. It is NOT hidden porn, Tony ...

Whew! I'm relieved! :blush: And thank you, Brendan, for coming back with this explanation:


... instead it is kind of a lazy stroll through four or five languages on the lookout for sounds and rhythms and with a bit of made-up language at the interstices. It's an exercise (a far too energetic word) in poetry as sheer sound. That's one of the things I'm interested in so I just went there for the fun of it. One of the best responses I have received -- on another site, natch ... "My God, you speak such good Italian!". I love it.

Poetry as sheer sound ... Works for me!



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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