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A Moonlights Passion(R)

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Like a Centripetal Typhoon

they had met during winter;

outside filling her lungs with illusory warmth-

he comes up behind her offering his jacket.


"Why not?"

She waves the illusionist.

"A sweet looking girl like you can't see life through such smoke" --

curiosity dialed, what kind of man says such a thing?

"What would you have me do?"

He puts his coat up again;

she takes it.


Their night out was everything a girl wanted.

The Lily in his coat beginning the night,

it ending in the river of tranquility.

Now it was summer at the side of a hill:

Him clad in jeans and a gray shirt

hiding the body I had seen a'many

and could not imagine anywhere else;

my skirt,knee high-

shirt made of light cotton, a bright blue

and pushed up a bit revealing my stomach,

flat, back against the grass.


His lips on mine, hand tightly on my side, moving over my stomach,

the passion of the hillside rising every caress of lower abs and naval;

tongues intertwined his hand goes to my inner thigh.

The lips leave their trace on my neck as his hand -- guided by passion --

wanting the feel of skin --

moves lightly over my slit, the moments time frozen capturing its perfection in the flow among it --

a finger playing actor beside lips among my stomach,

the passion we had started on the hillside seemed could never climax.


His tongue now replacing the finger,

my arching and hand at my stomach and thighs made the hillside like a bed of white swans;

feeling my bodies highs I could only tighten My muscle more --

pleasure was the understatement of the hour glass I was held between --

then the blood at the rim of my lip awoke me from the Evermore Dream.

"It's no fun unless a little blood's spilt."


Face contorting, swirling at the nose.

The whites of his eyes pool from lakes to a river,

lips join the river like a sand bar,

the stubble of his chin too; like a twister uprooting trees.


I look down to see blood flowing out in plumes of blue;

the stars moving like a black and white cone rotating, hypnotizing me -- his Will be done.


Waking to a White Room, the walls it seemed had no creases;

a Paper Prison?

No, the ink wasn't present.

In a corner -- or what would be a corner --

blood, like a crimson bed time monster all too real.

My stomach also sealed, the little X's concealing what was previously blue.

The Blood it seemed had moved closer in the five minutes I had concentrated;

struck with surprise and fear, It moves closer, faster, spanning a football field in one leap;

swallowing whole, the red vision turns to light --

a windows light, thin white curtains letting the light of the morning in.

"You're awake;"

head turned toward the familiar face of a man,

the chest I can recognize flawless in my view.


Pupils dilate lifting my torso.

Sharp pain gave notice to stitches,

looking in fear, breasts showing that cold effect;

a smile confirming my instincts.

The same smile and thin iris's I saw on the Hill,

unable to run; my body telling me to,

'What should she do?'


by Jeremy Swyck



"Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends.

There is a secret song at the center of the world, Joey, and its sound is like razors through flesh."


"I don't believe you."


"Oh come, you can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume.

To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart."

"There's a starving beast inside my chest
playing with me until he's bored
Then, slowly burying his tusks in my flesh
crawling his way out he rips open old wounds

When I reach for the knife placed on the bedside table
its blade reflects my determined face
to plant it in my chest
and carve a hole so deep it snaps my veins

Hollow me out, I want to feel empty"
-- "Being Able To Feel Nothing" by Oathbreaker


"Sky turns to a deeper grey

the sun fades by the moon

hell's come from the distant hills

tortures dreams of the doomed

and they pray, yet they prey

and they pray, still they prey"
-- "Still They Prey" by Cough



Ah, a young couple enjoying each other in nature ... What the?!? :icon_eek: Bloodletting??? :o


I enjoyed the season to season transition and the narrator to speaker shift. Well done, Jeremy!


Tony :)

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic




"Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends.

There is a secret song at the center of the world, Joey, and its sound is like razors through flesh."


"I don't believe you."


"Oh come, you can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume.

To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart."

"There's a starving beast inside my chest
playing with me until he's bored
Then, slowly burying his tusks in my flesh
crawling his way out he rips open old wounds

When I reach for the knife placed on the bedside table
its blade reflects my determined face
to plant it in my chest
and carve a hole so deep it snaps my veins

Hollow me out, I want to feel empty"
-- "Being Able To Feel Nothing" by Oathbreaker


"Sky turns to a deeper grey

the sun fades by the moon

hell's come from the distant hills

tortures dreams of the doomed

and they pray, yet they prey

and they pray, still they prey"
-- "Still They Prey" by Cough


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