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Poetry Magnum Opus

The Girl


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I had a dream. A bad dream. As I walk mountains, and fields and found an old road with a sign Hea#e# to the right side. I followed that direction, and found a girl with long hair, bootless and bloody feet, finger-pointing me to go back. I stumbled and she was gone. I get round the rock and went back to find the sign. Nothing there, but the girl. Crying with a word in mouth - he made me lie... What? - I asked her. And then suddenly black wind pushed me down in an ambys. The girl was watching at me from the top of the mountain, but now laughing at me, as I'm falling down.

The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Hi Aleksandra,


Your descriptions are wonderfully detailed and vivid and also you manage to convey effectively that inexplicable way that people in dreams change from being sad and lost to a much darker and powerful presence. From this:


a girl with long hair, bootless and bloody feet, finger-pointing me to go back


to this:

And then suddenly black wind pushed me down in an ambys. The girl was watching at me from the top of the mountain, but now laughing at me, as I'm falling down.


This detail too is well drawn out:


I walk mountains, and fields and found an old road with a sign Hea#e# to the right side.


to the right
is such a brilliantly precise detail which assumes significance in a dream and clings to one's memory.


A small typo here:

abyss instead of ambys?




Wonderful to read you work again, Aleksandra. :D


Thank you for posting this.




Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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  • 3 months later...
Larsen M. Callirhoe

i miss you my dear friend. i gather so much from this., it is like god show you yourself wanting a difference, you see this in your dreams yet do not recognize perception of you from waking dream or you thoughts being awake in full reality. ii see you soul searching wanting the truth. i wish you well. i love you my dear friend. be well.





Larsen M. Callirhoe

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