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Poetry Magnum Opus

You're the most beautiful....


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If I had a second, for every minute

that I thought

you're the most beautiful...




hath ever sought


But I don't even see you

not a whisker of your face

I'm loving

a writing pen






you really

Oh! so special?

or just shy with cautious tone?

To lock your heart

and love

behind a dark blue screen


Or are you so sensational

you make passion woo

with fire?


the silence in the heavens

and drown

with hells




this is just a vision?

a book without a dream!

Show your face

surrender fate


dark blue



© Rea 6th May 2011

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Very, very nice. A poetically lovely, entreaty. I like how the setting, the "on-line" age, is ancillary and not overpowering. It gives the work a sense of timelessness.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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  • 3 weeks later...
Very, very nice. A poetically lovely, entreaty. I like how the setting, the "on-line" age, is ancillary and not overpowering. It gives the work a sense of timelessness.




Hello Tony

Thank you for reading and commenting, appreciated.

Warm regards


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Larsen M. Callirhoe

Rea i am impressed. your poetry is very exquiste and exceptional. you have a knack and uncanny way of putting words into some of the best poems i have ever read. it seems to come so natural for you. i have been writing poems for quite a while now and written a few so perfect that they have been taken off of Earth/Gaia by higher up spirits before some entity factions cursed them.


victor michael

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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