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Poetry Magnum Opus

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Just be mindful where you are

Keep thoughts inside your head.

For witch’s cat ‘familiars’

Hear everything that’s said

Then take it back to ‘mistress’

Stirring cauldron with her spoon,

And shaping rings a-widdershin

About the harvest moon.


When brewing up a midnight spell

If your name is in her head,

From this night forth then you will dwell

Twixt the living and the dead.

Rats and bats fall in her pot

Along with girls and boys,

Squealing swirling bubbling hot,

No one to heed the noise.


Some witches do not fly on brooms,

Preferring a solid floor.

They wait in dingy fire-lit rooms

For a knock upon the door.

Trick or treat, a trick or treat?”

And she’ll smile from ear to ear,

Soon have something fresh to eat

Please come in my dear!”


a-widdershin the wrong way of the sun, (or east to west through north.)

Larsen M. Callirhoe

loved the brew you weaved. made me smirk and put a large grin on my face from "ear to ear" as you put it. hehe.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


I'm not so sure this one's for the children, Benjamin. It gave me chills and put me in a Halloween mood.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thanks Victor and Tony. Well...it might make the little blighters think twice about knocking on strange doors :-)


Gheerie ... ghostly and eerie! Marvellous balance in the rhyming scheme: it looks effortless but I know it wasn't!!

Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim

David W. Parsley

Excellent use of rhythm and rhyme for a true Halloween treat. Perhaps treads a little far down the Elm Street nightmare avenue for young children, but today's 10 to 12 year olds could be fair game...


- Dave


Hi Benjamin,


Your create a palpable atmosphere of shadows, the shifting of borders between the worlds, the way nature takes on a powerful magical significancet. I particularly love how you evoke the cat's mistress:



Stirring cauldron with her spoon,

And shaping rings a-widdershin

About the harvest moon.


Thank you.




Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.


Bren. Some things flow like diarrhea out of paranoia when you have a wife whose black cat follows her everywhere and spits at all who come too close.

Dave. You are dead right. Listening to the language of 10 and 12 year old kids in the play-park near my home, some of them could well do with a good fright.

goldenlangur. I wrote this in what I thought was a light-hearted tongue-in-cheek vein :rolleyes: , although I confess to stealing "a-widdershin" from William Bell Scott's “The Witches Ballad” which is rather more traditional-- lengthy, but still well worth a read. My thanks to you all for the responses. Benjamin


Benjamin- Loved it and, of course its good for children- A little terror always helps the season along;-) DC&J

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