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Shadows And Valleys (4th Revision...

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

4th Revision


Shadows And Valleys



I beg this much from you at least. The soft overtone in your

voice tells me the confidence you once saw in me is lost forever.


Somewhere in my heart the best I can hope from you is that

the previous conviction of love and the trust you once held for

me I pray return. These emotions radiate from you senses I feel.


You once held honor in me that was so vividly sincere.

Simplicity has destroyed the intentions we shared or was it a lie.

Do not deceive me anymore. I have disappointed you enough.

I ask for your forgiveness from the past misery and grief I caused.

Yet, it is you asking the almighty for forgiveness oddly for not

being there when I needed you most. I see the visions of you crying.


After all the transgressions I have committed against my lover she

still sees displays of my emotional outbursts. I look at her beaming

smile and my soft tender lips speak pure words to her. I grab her body

against mine as her heart pulsates. I hear her soothing voice saying

to me I will always love you. This reassure me after the bloody discourse

I caused her she has let it go. I only seek her devotion from deep within.


Oh, how time stood still every time I was in her almighty

presence. As fate saw it I saw in the past my beloved was always

covered in blood. You bled the color that red roses portray.

My burdensome prickly thorns caused this. The vision I always

held of us was me envisioning us in a bed of white roses.


The yellow and blue roses I left you symbolically all those years

ago I believed gave me the conviction that you would return to me

one day. The tears I shed reluctantly were about how I never tried

to chase you after you told me your hands were tied that day.

Then I let you blow away like the wind that rustles a leaf

in the Autumn when the leaves fade colors turning rustic.


The colorful pastel colors of your nervous chakra shining

like a rainbow in my room that radiated your naked flesh

on my bed chamber that night we made love. We let all steaming

passion fog up the windows blowing out into the gentle breeze.


For two hours we were in bliss making love.

We cared for each other then but that moment

is when we first fell in love with one another.


I see in visions that we will be united in the future.

I desire to make love to you like the first and only

time we ever made love to each other Nalene.


Oh how you and Joyce fooled me that night. Nalene only

desired a one night stand at the time. I cared for Joyce but

I did not love her properly for it was Nalene I desired all along.



Can’t you figure out this passion you feel for me Nalene?

It broke my heart when my Holy Angel told me in a dream

that the first time I made love it was to you Nalene and

not to Joyce who I slept with that night. Am I such a foolish

heart if I fall in love after just one prelude dance in the wind.


Maybe this story seems a bit far-fetched to some.

To me true love only comes around once in a lifetime

or maybe twice in a lifetime if you are extremely lucky.


Is it hard for you to recognize I am in love with you? I felt

this way the first time I laid my eyes on you. Doesn't it seem

in this world we are surrounded by candle lights shining on us?

We met on a warm summer eve as a Celestial storm was brewing.


How could either of us forget that we met at a church dance.

When we danced it was like we were floating on the clouds in

the twilight horizon as we flowed in the wind admiring the starlight.

The moonlight sparkled as the falling rain touched our skin.



You made the stars come out that night for me and the moon

glowed on us so brightly. Every human in the world saw us fall

in love and become one. It was like there was magic in the air that

evening. The rain ceased and the grey clouds dispersed. I asked for

your hand kissing it and you blushed. A shooting star soared above.



755 Words! 15 Stanzas! 62 Lines!

Larsen M. Callirhoe

Larsen M. Callirhoe

the revision before this one can be deleted. it would not modify properly after severl attempts ticking me off to high heaven.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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