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Poetry Magnum Opus

Star Seed

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

My Beloved Here I Am...


I am your beloved Star Seed.


I am out here in the vast stars

waiting for you to return unto me.



Out amongst the stars my love

the bridle chamber awaits thee.



Look at me, Nalene I love you. Is

anymore romantic words needed to

be said than the ones floating in the

silent wind falling onto the ground?



I will always be there for you

I promise you this my darling.

My every waking thought is

only for you till I am no more

and my essence fades into the dark.



My heart is true for you

weaving words I speak

only for thee to hear my

voice echoing in the night.



Every journey I partake of is an

adventure of blind passion hoping

that after making love once is not

the only thing you want from me.



I see through your crimson eyes of glass.

Stain-glassed windows of empathy as I

open the veil to your inner-domain

where your love is faithful unto me.



Your tears cascading like a river because

you had to let destiny take me by the neck.



Your every thought is like a sea of serenity

to appease me. Your thoughts melt into my

heart like a candle burning in a Sanctuary.



We weave our dance together magically

in perfect harmony. I want to make love

to you like there is no tomorrow to dream.



In the future I pray you're there by my side

for I want my heart to grow closer to you

everyday so we can make love in the rain.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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  • 4 months later...
Larsen M. Callirhoe


Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Frank E Gibbard

Well done Larse. You have tapped into a rich seam of poesie rich in content here, that has a style and tenor of earlier less coarse times than our present modern unromantic style of expression. Frank

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