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Poetry Magnum Opus

Spring Is Appearing

Frank E Gibbard

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Frank E Gibbard

Winter's temporary part

Upon the stage is done

Its season's time is run

A new act is in the wing

Welcome as is the sun

Scene's set for Spring

For daffodils to appear

While birds give cheer

Our play is due to start


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Hey Frank, This was nice, I looked out this morning and there are still some daffodils in bloom albiet very wet and drooping from the rain storm we had yesterday. It is crazy here, we barely had a winter with many winter days feeling like sping and blossoms and daffodils blooming very very early. Now we have gotten some of our worst weather in the last three of weeks.. Very strange... but at least I could experience spring through your poem this morning... :smile:



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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Frank E Gibbard

An interesting fact of the global community that we are in is the disparity of our variable environments.

From DC's comment (for which many thanks) to Tinker's (thanks Tink) your Springs differ strongly but the concept is universal I trust. Frank

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Frank E Gibbard

Spring -- I'm starting to get in the mood, Frank. Thanks for nudging it along.


Tony :smile:

Thanks Tony for feedback as ever. Frank :biggrin:

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After weeks of rain a little respite. :blink: Thanks for the uplifting thoughts that now coincide with May's early promise. Nicely done Frank. :smile:

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Frank E Gibbard

This poem makes me feel nice :). Good effect, Frank!

Thanks ever so Aleks. Frank

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Our Spring in the valley has crept in, some days sweltering even as the frost melts. I can now hear thunder, but come Saturday, we transport the clan to the beach and a new clime. I am thankful to live where the weather changes in minutes instead of seasons. Enjoyed.


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