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Poetry Magnum Opus

Somewhere In The Vast Darkness

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

Somewhere in the vast dark

night of the void less world

I have been searching for you

since the beginning of time.


I reach out my hand for you hoping

you would just believe in me once more.

Hoping you wouldn’t stray far from me and

wander away from my tender loving arms.


Maybe this world should just let us be

when I ask you how deep is your love for me?

Sometimes the world has to let us be

for it is me you really need this day.


I believe in you don’t you know

when your eyes look into the shining sun

I feel the spring breeze of your scent

blow on me as you are passing my way.


I believe in you don’t you know

for you are the light of my world.

Dancing on the ballroom floor

we glide to center stage.


When I gaze into your sensuous green eyes

and you touch me in the pouring rain

I pray the magic doesn’t fade into the light.

I promise to be faithful to you forevermore.


What more do you need to ask from me?

When they all should just let us live our lives.

If tomorrow comes are way I hope the illusions

of this world would be more then life filled dreams.


You are my lover don’t you know and I

ask you how deep is your love for me?

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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  • 2 weeks later...

A ballad, Victor? I would replace "seems" with something else:


... Dancing on the ballroom floor

we glide to center stage ...

"Glide," "move to," or something like that would work. In my dream you have center stage.


Tony :smile:

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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