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Caught in Transition


Canine funeral mourners bark

Gone gone gone beyond

as the sojourner passes

comfortable family homes

their strange warnings

beautifying this journey

from shore to shore


The temporary landlord

asks if anything can be done

about clothes well traveled

and road stained knowing

the beyond beyond but we

are caught in transition


A friend says You are impatient

gone but not waiting to see

the new life growing welcoming

this traveler to put down

seasonal roots

to re-forget


how precious how delicate

illusions of permanence

or memories of the future

really are


At the peak of summer these hued flowers

these long suspended days stand defiant

and innocent of already becoming gone.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not a word out of place or too much. The "sojourner" is no stranger to temperance, impermanence. He is a passerby, and he knows it, no delusions. Terrific work, Juris!



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Thanks Tony for your kind words. Intelaced with the heart sutra:-) cheating... HA .. Juris

Larsen M. Callirhoe

just amazing bloddy bllant poetry. everything just right and perfect. i really dig this.



Larsen M. Callirhoe


This is ambiguous and very skilfully done. The more I read it, the less funereal your sojourner seems: more tangible, one who pauses in hotels perhaps, :smile: where the mind settles on diversions and conversations of the day--- transposes them into philosophical thoughts. I particularly liked the last two stanzas. Your work is always interesting and a pleasure to read. Benjamin.


Viktor, Benjamin- Thank you both for your kind words! Time to memorize and present;-) DC& J

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