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Poetry Magnum Opus

old and grey

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

you and i are the lucky ones

we have only had our dreams

shattered once or twice.


we are the free of the world

so close your eyes

and be with


the stars in the heavens

shineing down on us

so why are you still crying

my old friend,


you see its better to be lucky

then dream of the dead and deceased

and be depressed all day.


many years have come and gone

but who are we to still be alive


now and then i like to dream

but many years have aged my face

since we have last seen each other.


many times i would think of you

through those loney years

if only i could reach the stars

in the heavens with my hands

like it was a magical dream.


what would i say to you

the day we reunited

and all i could think of

was to say i love you.


better to be free then dead they say

so here we go again.

we dance on the clouds

and the moon smiles at us.


we are reunited in the clouds

but we realize this is only a dream

and we go our seperate ways

when we wake up and realize

we are old and grey.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Victor my dear. I can't express what provoked this poem in me. It's so emotional and lovely. The way of coming the words in the lines, the way how you put in wonderful order all expressions and imageries, gives a special sense of this poem.


I loved this poem. The title is wonderful and it's good that all point of this poem connected with the title you showed on the end.


It is amazing poem.

I will read more and more...



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Larsen M. Callirhoe

thanks aleksandra for the rave review. its much appreciated. im glad you loved it. i thought i would make it melachonic with romance involved but they wake up not next to each other and realise they were dreaming of one another at the same time and didn't know it. too bad they didn't contact each other in real life after that wonderful beautiful dream until they are old and grey and set in there ways and drift apart foolishly. so thanks for reading my friend.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Wonderful poem vic! quite wondeful. It took me along with it. and brought to mind some very interesting images and personalities.


You really inspired me with this one. Its has emotion and force both!


Many thanks. How nice to see you in a poetic period!

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Hi Victor,


How wonderful to see another of your work! Your theme of dream, cannot but touch a chord and how well you weave longing, gentle wisdom, a sense of coming to terms with the trials and tribulations of life, love, loss and that inevitable reckoning that comes with age and the finale.


And yet you suffuse the whole with a celebratory note and here, your final verse embodies your spirited voice:



Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:


we are reunited in the clouds

but we realize this is only a dream

and we go our seperate ways

when we wake up and realize

we are old and grey.









Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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I like how the poem seems to toggle between dimensions -- one of earthly limitations, the other of unprecedented release:

Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:


you and i are the lucky ones

we have only had our dreams

shattered once or twice.


we are the free of the world

so close your eyes

and be with


the stars in the heavens

shineing down on us

so why are you still crying

my old friend,


you see its better to be lucky

then dream of the dead and deceased

and be depressed all day.


many years have come and gone

but who are we to still be alive ...


... better to be free then dead they say

so here we go again.

we dance on the clouds

and the moon smiles at us.


we are reunited in the clouds

but we realize this is only a dream

and we go our seperate ways

when we wake up and realize

we are old and grey.

As an aside, it seems that only the powerful are truly free in this world of might makes right. The rest can simply wait to be free of the world.


Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:


what would i say to you

the day we reunited

and all i could think of

was to say i love you.

I think the answer to this question should be obvious. Thanks for the mystical read, Victor.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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