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Poetry Magnum Opus

Precious Memories

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

Author’s note:


This is a futuristic type of poem talking about my future and the worlds future because I am a Seer of God. I know this poem will be hard to understand by those that read it because it talks about my past and the distant future. I know many of my friends and family will be in heaven over a thousand years waiting for me (I will miss you all that are not here with me then) as I walk with Christ Jesus and others who will teach the world after the seven year tribulation on Earth mentioned in the book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. The Jewish people believe Elijah the tisbite will return to Earth with the real Messiah and they believe this person is not Jesus Christ. The two witnesses in the book of Revelation is what the Christians are waiting for to return to Earth and the Islamic people believe it will be two great teachers such as the prophet Mohammed and Jesus Christ that will return to Earth to stop the seven year tribulation. This is what I have read and I could be wrong about the information I have read about. I was revealed. my future I know my future and I will cry because the Earth’s surface will change much and where I grew up in south Florida will be flooded because of the Ozone layer being abused by humans will flee Earth until Buddha Jesus fixes this problem. His return to Earth is for a thousand years. Mostly even though at times we have had disagreement I will miss my parents, brother, two sister, my two nephews, my relatives, and my friends and all those experiences we shared together. So God/dess bless all. And enjoy the sad poem all.



Precious Memories


I am in the future crying in my mansion

when my wife Elizabeth asks me

this. Question. Why am I always crying

my lover and always so sad

when I and your seven other wife’s

(mentioned in the Jewish Bible Isaiah 4:1-2!)

are here to comfort you and have family?


She says what is more important then your love

for having beautiful wives and children

and having faith in God/dess.

This is my response to her

since I am a poet.

I tell her let me write down my thoughts

on paper because I am depressed honey.


Precious memories they haunt me so.

Photographs the pictures of my friends

long dead and buried. Why does my spirit

yearn for them. I know we are here

together forever my loves.


I wish my friends could always be around

but they have life and lessons

to learn about also and God has them

to learn in his time the truth..



I think of my past often

and wish I could relive those days again.

I know in heaven we read about our life’s’

recounting our life’s’ improving each one

with each incarnation we do live.


Why am I so sad God, Sophia, Angels,

when you do whisper your secrets

in my many eternal dreams every night.


I am just a soul who can not handle

your infinite secrets pn Earth about life

on life, death, and rebirth.


I remember when we were young

and so care free. To live in

the world was our goals.


The many adventures I had

and shared with my family

and friends while in school

and also those that I worked with.

I miss those days so.


I know I will walk again in a new body

and have children and grand children erc...

I have seen this in visions

where my future children

take a picture together and leave

a letter for me to read when I pass on

back to heaven in a little over

a 1000 years from now.



I know the future

because God talks to me.

I will have eight beautiful wives

in a new body a gift from god soon

in the short future . Or is it

perhaps another incarnation.

No one knows but God

of course.


Why would I still cry many nights

in such great loneliness?

The tears fall from my eyes

when I think of my past

I tell Elizabeth. And I tell

her all I do is think about

all the life’s’ i have touched

since the day I was born

in this particular incarnation.


Just know this.

I wish we all

could live a 1000 years

together with Christ on earth.

But that will not be so.

Many I know are to selfish

to be there with Crist Jesus in love.


I know in the short future

there will be a great famine

in china and Asia and that a great war

will come out of this

as Israel finds oil in its territory

making them richer

then the muslim nations.

China and Russia will want this oil.

Thus starting WW III.



As mentioned in the book of Revelation

in the Sacred Bible cherished by some.

You those I have touched in my life

will be in heaven or hell.

Who really knows!



I really don't believe in hell anyway

it is because others make life

a living hell because of how others

treat you. Isn’t that sad to feel this way.


I will miss you greatly my friends.

For I know the secrets of God

like Enoch the Biblical Patriarch

who walked and talked with God.


Precious memories of you haunt my soul.

I weep many nights in the future

because my past is no more.

Always wishing things

could b different I prayed.



I know I have done unkind deeds

and hurt others in the past. But...


I wish we my friends and family

could relive thos days again with me.

But I am a changed man

and I think so differently now.


I don’t find as much in life

as funny as it used to be

unless there is a young child

around to make you laugh.

Children are precious in my eyes

and of course the Lord’s eyes also.



I walk the hallways of my thoughts

that haunts me so much. I scream aloud.

my voices echoes in the empty corridors

for no one hears me making me cry

in so much sorrow for the flashbacks

in my mind that haunt me everyday.


I whisper to my future children

in my dreams. asking them

to fine happiness in life

as I get drunk drinking Merlot Wine.

I would hope they love me in return.


Sometimes I would drink 24 ounces

of Merlot Wine at one gulp or two perhaps..

It acts like *Sophia's* the Holy Spirit’s blood.

For she is the Sacred Spirit

called the Christian Holy Ghost.

I would fall asleep in seconds

from this magic concocktion

and dream about the garden of Eden

and the Holy Spirit Sophia holding my hand

singing to me in heaven it is love and Habitation.



I would wake up feeling the angels working

on my alcohol blood content level.

I would have alcholic poisioning

every morning when i would wake up.

But those days are in the past dear Elizabeth

and my other wives.


I would make love to one of my eight wifes

mentioned in Isaiah 4:1 of the holy bible.

It is an old book and the concepts in it

soon will be fulfilled as society grows

and becomes more loving towards others.

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Hi Victor,


Wow! Where does one begin to address this work of yours! I could be completely off the mark but your rich images and allusions to "seer" and religion, "visions" of the future and the pervading search for freedom from the trials and tribulations of this mortal world and self, made me think of visionary poets like Virgil, whom Dante used as a guide to the Christian universe. Virgil is said to have foretold the birth of a Messiah from a virgin, just like your poet seer foresees conflicts and things to come. But your descriptions of such visionary powers of the poet's words also bring to mind the German and English Romantic poets like Holderlin and Coleridge as well as the elevated status of the poet in Polish Romantic literature. Slowacki and Mickievicz were two influential figures of the Polish Romantic Movement. But lastly, there's some similarity with the Zen Masters, but the latter did not foretell or have visions of the future as teach one to be in the moment and experience liberation from the ego and all its ties.


I'm particularly taken with your references to Jewish traditions, and also your details of the Book of Revelation.


In the sadness you express about suffering, a desire for peace and the end to wounding and making others unhappy, you've captured the fundamental and universal motif of all major spiritual teachers. Your allusions to future wars and destruction and the regions which will be the pivot of such conflicts are vivid and disturbing.


I also love your evocation of the "spiritual" powers and presence of Sophia. The details here suggest a visitation from her:


"It acts like *Sophia's* the Holy Spirit’s blood.

For she is the Sacred Spirit

called the Christian Holy Ghost.

I would fall asleep in seconds

from this magic concocktion

and dream about the garden of Eden

and the Holy Spirit Sophia holding my hand

singing to me in heaven it is love and Habitation."


But this has another, more painful aspect - "alcohol poisoning".



It is this combination of elevated thoughts and longings and human suffering and frailty which makes your poem moving.

It's such a complex and layered poem Victor. So do forgive if I've misread your intent. Your poem gives one a perspective on life and the thereafter that draws on a long and rich literary and spiritual tradition with a universal resonance.






Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

hi goldenlangur,


thanks for such a detailed response to my poem. i know soon admist the sorrow and sadness i feel earth beings will become more spiritual as we evolve o a higher conciousness as a whole people and ascertain a higher spiritual awakening as a whoe peopl. i know more about the future but at this time i care not to tell anyone about it because what i know could start race wars in america white against black and make war of the jewish people and muslim nayions a horror story. i just wished we all got along. so thanks for remarking n this poem.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Victor this is very hard poem. I like so much how GL responded to this, so what more to say here. I need to read more and more and I need some time to respond properly on this worth , good and hard poem. It is not simply all what you wrote here, and it needs deeper attention for to make a good comment.

Very thoughtful poem, scary?, truthful? - yes it is sad poem and very deep. Thank you for sharing this poem, I knew it that is gonna be wonderful piece since I read when you sent me before. I will come here again on this poem


Good work and effort my friend



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Hi again Victor,


My pleasure indeed even if I've not got your intention. This is beautiful!:


Larsen M. Callirhoe wrote:


thanks for such a detailed response to my poem. i know soon admist the sorrow and sadness i feel earth beings will become more spiritual as we evolve o a higher conciousness as a whole people and ascertain a higher spiritual awakening as a whoe peopl.





We can but hope...







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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