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Poetry Magnum Opus

Thirteen Ways of Looking at 50+ Years of Poetry, 13

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David W. Parsley





It was evening all afternoon.

It had snowed days ago

and it was going to snow

again again.

The blackbird O.D.ed

in the cedar limbs.












© David W. Parsley 2012


A wee bit of genius! Loved it.


Perfect for the eve before;-)


Many Thanks,




It's a real part of our world, but we seldom pay attention. The black bird could be any of us. I can't phrase my thoughts in your poetic world except to say I felt the images. We often think in images, but few pause to see those special moments. Summary is I like it a lot. A good present.


Reminds me of "In the bleak midwinter" the blackbird as Franklin said could be any one. Nicely done B.


I think I agree with Badge. The first four lines ... BOOM!

Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim


Help me out here, Dave! I am drawing a blank. The tag is parody. OMG, who did "13 ways" to...ugh...something!

David W. Parsley

Thanks to all who replied. I am in one of those intensely busy modes (again), but I see a need (thank you, DC) to acquaint folks with the origins of this satirical little piece, and where to look for the other sections. It is loosely modeled after Wallace Stevens' Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, which does not deserve the treatment accorded here, but I won't let a little thing like that stop me.


I will post the parody in its entirety sometime soon, now that every publication on my list has rejected it. Until then, I recommend looking at the commentary (go all the way to the end!) from the following section (just click on it) first posted here summer 2011.


Section 3


It is not a very nice poem to the New Establishment in Poetry, but what can I say?



- Dave


Ah, Stevens. I will look it up. Thanks.

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