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Poetry Magnum Opus

A PROSTITUTE with her pimp

pawn shop

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All day yesterday

right up until 8 pm

was feelin' no pain, as they say.

This morning, however, I felt pain

ohh boy, did I feel pain

hung-over, wallet empty...ect...

the whole bit

made it to work and wrote this down :


Saw a prostitute with her pimp

at the bar yesterday

it was about 4-5 pm

never saw them in there before

Him, crafty and meaner....

her, chubby, eyes rollin', blonde, wierd smile

him, dirt-bag,

her, same thing

most likely boyfriend and girlfriend

maybe passing through town, broke.



They followed me outside

when I had a smoke with Christina

for a second,

I thought they were going to mug us

they smoked, looked at us,

quietly conversing with themselves

and thats when 'it dawned on me'


a prostitute with her pimp


I went back into the bar with Christina

and began to wonder

how much money the pimp would of charged me

for her services

and where exactly would the dirty deed happen

behind the bar-dumpster ?

behind a tree ?

What an odd trade to ply


I'd rather spend my money on booze,

thank you very much ! drunken_smilie.png

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

it is sad women retort to this sort of lifestyle. your poetry is so interesting to read as of late. keep writing friend.


lsrsen aka victor

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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pawn shop wrote:


I went back into the bar with Christina

and began to wonder

how much money the pimp would of charged me

for her services

and where exactly would the dirty deed happen

behind the bar-dumpster ?

behind a tree?

Questions we have all been afraid to ask.icon_lol.gif Inquiring minds want to know ... icon_idea.png



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

i have a funny question for you just jokingly of course tony who says anytype of sex is a dirty deed no matter the culprit lol seriously though. he-he! i think jonathan was being sarcastic though.


victor aka larsen

Larsen M. Callirhoe

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what an funny poem Jonathan icon_smile.gif. Much enjoyed . And yes clever done on the end icon_biggrin.png



The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth - Jean Cocteau

History of Macedonia



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Hi pawnshop,


The prevailing sense in your poem here is a sense of being lost - the protagonist "hung over, wallet empty". But more tragically, the "prostitute" and her "pimp". These descriptions suggest a casualness with which relations and emotions are treated:



pawn shop wrote:


Him, crafty and meaner....

her, chubby, eyes rollin', blonde, wierd smile

him, dirt-bag,

her, same thing

most likely boyfriend and girlfriend

maybe passing through town, broke.



and began to wonder

how much money the pimp would of charged me

for her services

and where exactly would the dirty deed happen

behind the bar-dumpster ?

behind a tree ?

What an odd trade to ply


The protagonist's questioning brings out this tragic exploitative and demeaning relationship between the girl and the pimp.



Well drawn out scenario and characters make this an absorbing read.







Even a single enemy is too many and a thousand friends too few - Bhutanese saying.

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Frank E Gibbard

Quite a walk on the wild side Jon and a peek at the seedy. This atmosphere of salaciousness bleeds off the page and your protagonists are what you made of them a pair of deadbeats. Glad I am nonesuch inhabit my local. But thanks for the trip into uncharted territory. Frank

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