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A deserted railway station:
and shops that were not boarded up,
bore signs saying, “Closed for the day!”
The steelworks' redundant horizon,
a lifeless forlorn silhouette;
behind energetic new turbines
that waved at impoverished streets.
But out on the winter lashed sands
a whole population had gathered;
attempting to float a beached whale,
stranded some twenty four hours.
Turned out-- to the very last man:
every woman and capable child
with buckets of water, to douse
the ailing great being down.
They'd laboured throughout the cold night
with lifting gear, trucks and bare hands.
Exhausted their spirited best
but it's heart stopped.. with the high tide.

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

well inked benjamin. i enjoyed the story. unfortunately everyones hearts eventually gives out.



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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"...a whole population had gathered..." Inherent human kindness well-captured. Apt for the season. I keep thinking of the whale's weight slowly crushing its heart.

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Visions of a Carl Sandburg poem here.....


behind energetic new turbines

that waved at impoverished streets.


This is a tremendous statement, line, and image:


the ailing great being


From the title alone I had no idea where the poem was going, but by the end I knew this was a perfect title.

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

oops benjamin i should have put when each person or creature dies usually it is because their individual heart gives out. i meant nothing fancy about my remark and for that i apoligize. no hidden metaphor in my statement either. :)



Larsen M. Callirhoe

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Victor. No apologies needed. I'm happy you found something to enjoy in the piece and that you took the trouble to say so. Many thanks. B.


Franklin. I like to think that human kindness generally outweighs the negative aspects of our nature.


dcmarti1. As a socialist I empathise with threadbare communities who seem to be rich in values that tend to be diluted in more metropolitan areas


badge. Your comments warm my spirit. :smile:

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Oh Benjamin, This touches the heart in many ways. Whales off the coast are common here but they are still exciting to see. And when people come together to lend a hand, there is such strength and beauty in the action. How sad the whale died. They are such amazing creatures. When my son was in preschool we took the kids to Shell Beach at low tide to search for shells and just have a day at the beach. There was a whale off shore feeding, and it was almost if it knew the little kids were watching, she put on a show we will never forget. Shell Beach Ballet



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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Thanks Tink. I think we lose track sometimes of the fact that this world is not exclusively ours. I enjoyed your Shell Beach Ballet. B.

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