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Poetry Magnum Opus

off with Van Gogh (R) slight instance of swear word

Frank E Gibbard

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Frank E Gibbard

Van Gogh was a troubled soul

off went the ear he popped it

in a bowl, took it bloodied to a

local brothel, gave it to the girl

he liked who said "Bloody hell!"

but in French of course. Well

she would wouldn't she? Swell

gift, a bloody lobe. A pro used

to what a client proposes never

would turn up her nose at roses,

choccies, naturellement but non

non, non to body parts there her

professionalism departs, even a

French respect for the finer arts;

ports Van Gogh's bits in her bag

off to gendarmes with nasty swag.

"Regardez vous - that Dutch piss

instead of a shag he gives me this.

Strange fellow always wants me to

dress in yellow, I think he's so sad."

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"Regardez vous - that Dutch piss

instead of a shag he gives me this.

Strange fellow always wants me to

dress in yellow, I think he's so sad." Wonderful stuff. I have Van Cough (Amsterdam pronunciation) reproductions, best viewed from a distance, since he has been reported to have had astigmatism. My g'daughter has painted knock offs of a couple--they are more precious to me than the originals. Some say a thin line separates artists from insanity. Enjoyed your tongue-in-cheek rendition greatly. Franklin

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Besides your radical topics, you have this unique "end word rhyming with another word just somewhere down the line". Way cool.

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Frank E Gibbard
I have Van Cough (Amsterdam pronunciation) reproductions, best viewed from a distance, since he has been reported to have had astigmatism. My g'daughter has painted knock offs of a couple--they are more precious to me than the originals. Some say a thin line separates artists from insanity. Enjoyed your tongue-in-cheek rendition greatly. Franklin [/size]


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you Franklin, ah art runs in your family too. My bruv (deceased sadly) was a commercial artist. I'm into it too - went to the Manet Exhibition at the British Academy recently. Frank

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Frank E Gibbard

Besides your radical topics, you have this unique "end word rhyming with another word just somewhere down the line". Way cool.

Good of you to read and comment, and perceptively by which I mean the inner rhyme observation, I do use it a lot lately.

Thanks Marti.


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Good one Frank, Many years ago I went to a Van Gogh exhibit and fell in love with his work. I can still close my eyes and see some of those paintings in my mind they made such an impression. I went to that exhibit right after I became engaged to be married. We will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in November.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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Frank E Gibbard

Lovely stuff Frank you've put a smile on my face that will last for the rest of the day. :smile: G.

Bien bien Benjamin. Merci beaucoup ami. Francois mais oui.

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