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Poetry Magnum Opus

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Well let's see

The rain is pouring

And it's night time

The earth is cold and wet and dark


But that doesn't stop me from drinking


People will criticize and judge me for it

Mind you

They say it's not good for your health

Or your mental or spiritual state of being


I say what ever

Drinking or not drinking isn't going to stop

The Grim Reaper

That relentless fucker who doesn't give a damn

Whether you're good or bad

Or undisciplined or anal


He comes for you no matter what


And so it is thus


I sit here alone

Listening to a storm

And it's so beautiful

And it's early morning

And everyone is sleeping



While I sin alone

With red wine and rebellion


And we're all headed in the same direction

No matter what we do

Or don't do...

To receive love, you have to give it...


Super, Douglas. We share similar thoughts--especially concerning imbibing. I like the framing of this, though I have little knowledge of forms. I have long thought storms, especially at night, (seems fitting) are beautiful, as long as they are miles away. Still, I am in awe and fearful of their immense power to destroy. The realities of life and beauty vs. the profane create a Quixotic existence.


While I sin alone

With red wine and rebellion



THAT phrase is gripping.


"And we're all headed in the same direction

No matter what we do

Or don't do..."

I'm reminded of a saying we had in the '60s "If it feels good.. Do it!" and that other golden nugget, "One man's meat is another's poison" But joking aside I think we all settle for compromise eventually. "Going with the flow" always suited me. You're a long time dead. B.


Well Douglas this isn't really a feel good poem and yet

"I sit here alone

Listening to a storm

And it's so beautiful

And it's early morning

And everyone is sleeping"

feels so right. I liked it. I guess I have always clung to "the journey" rather than the end of the road but everyone takes their own path to the same end.


~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

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