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Poetry Magnum Opus

the beauty in life

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The Beauty in Life

Every so often, but not as much as you think, you find something beautiful from which you can drink. Most people won’t see it and I doubt if they can, like shooting a pebble through the blades of a fan. It may be inspired or it may be divine, it might be scribbled on paper or in a bottle of wine. You might find it in Mozart or the waves on a bay or in the eyes of a dad, with his kids as they play. In the arc of a ball heading out of the park or the deep shades of color just before dark. From some strokes on a keyboard or some paint on a page or the sight of a bird leaving a cage. In the act of a child that exposes their heart or the eyes of a sprinter just as they start. Beauty is out there if you know where to look, Salinger found it when he finished his book. Beauty can rock you right down to your soul or gently messuage you into a lull. Whether it be a handwritten note, or a line from a book Dickens’ wrote, beauty is beauty. Its all around us, we just don’t see it very often.

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