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Poetry Magnum Opus

Take me through the blue


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Take me through the blue


take me through the blue reflections of that vase
through the water

through the purity
take me up into the realm of consciousness
that watery gift
that we received from Buddha and Krishna and Christ
and let me discover my peace and solace there
because i am deserving of it
i am entitled to know these mysteries
i was entitled the moment my soul chose to incarnate
to accept death and the complexities of transience
i am a fleeting part of this grandeur
despite my fragility and lack of universal longevity
the light has made me pure
despite whatever doubts i may have about it
i am a child of the universe
haphazardly negotiating my way through three dimensions
this place that is stained by hatred and ego and confusion
but still i continue running
breathing in the air
watching the sun become diamonds through dewdrops
still i trust my heart
even though
at times
it seems to be my destruction
and to all i say
see this for what it is
something very pure
something that transcends the agony of strife
some are born with vision and others blind
but without the two
the circle of life is incomplete
and upon this earth we are creation and destruction
and without these two energies
we are nothing.




To receive love, you have to give it...

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Enjoyed the mental wrestling match, here. For me, "haphazardly negotiating my way through three dimensions" summarizes all our lives. Unfortunately, my life has been more destructive than creative. Thanks for the mental ride.


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I am deserving.


I am entitled.


Bravo! All around as well.....

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