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Brief Encounters

Frank E Gibbard

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Frank E Gibbard

It's a film a steamy English romance,
hero and heroine in black and white
(the steam of ancient train's smoke),
give each other a sly furtive glance
no prospect of rapid grope or poke;
he removing from her eye a speck,
they part the gent risks a little peck
Sex? Not in this Empire, oh no siree
Viewer imagine but you may not see.

In a French flick au contraire oui oui
Oh ho ho monochrome mais tres blue
A subttitle or two then "how do you do?"
Hairy hunk grabs at the buxom wench
Tips her over a bed or maybe a bench
Barechest nuzzles the actress's breasts
Climax achieved as their gasping attests
Post-coitus Gauloisy kisses get shared,
Anglo-Gallic brief encounters compared.

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Love old monochrome classics (particularly film noir). The genteel and tacit invariably deposed by the dark side of human nature for public consumption. I recall reading that love scenes could only be filmed while the male actor had one foot on the bedroom floor. :biggrin: How times have changed. Preferred Trevor Howard in "The Third Man" but that's mainly because I never tire of listening to the wonderful, atmospheric zither music of Anton Karas throughout the film.

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