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Alphabetical Acrostic "Nanook's Journey"

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Frank E Gibbard

(no offence to Native Americans or current correct nomenclature)





Drifted darkly,

Elegantly, mutely

Floating acutely

Guiding the crew

Holding just a one

Its occupant, on a brave

Journey, native

Kayak is

Lopsided, Red

Man called

Nanook onward glided;

Oilskinned coveralls

Protected from squalls by

Quilts made from a

Rich harvest of

Seals skins he prospected;

Threat to life unsuspected

Unexpected! Alack!

Violent arrival of rivals

War party - attack!!!

X eskimo since PCs "Inuit" though he never knew it, nor could he intuit;

Young Nook gets off the harpoons hook like an ever so slippery arctic seal;

Zigzagging to an igloo, unbagging says: Here hun, is it you? Nose rubbing to do and a blubbery meal.

Frank E Gibbard

Having fun Frank? I love this Acrostic it had me smiling at first glance. Clever clever clever.



How nice of you Tink to anchor it in your refined waters with your own examples; thanks. Frank


A sheer delight Frank... Fun is the word. Enjoyed!



Frank E Gibbard

Cheers Doc just chilling. Frank

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