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Poetry Magnum Opus

Back story


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I was wandering around in the darkness
After slamming glasses down with them
And laughing
And smoking
And remembering
And I remember that I just needed to get out of there
So I did
Leaving the penthouse through the hotel lobby
Feeling like a rent boy in my eyeliner and ripped black jeans
I’ve felt that way many times before
A reckless youth
Running through the streets
Full of gypsy love and agony
And they never stay long
These paramours seduced by my illusion
They never stay long
Because I can never keep the illusion they want going long enough
I left through the hotel lobby and I walked the midnight
Streets with their lights and their debauched treachery
And along the way
I was drawn toward the bar
With its seedy beats and topless barmen
And its dirty sticky floors
And I sat down and I lit a cigarette and I ordered a beer
I was thinking about how many times I had felt so
Lonely sitting just like this
In bars around the world
Blown in by my restlessness
Pulled in by a curious addiction
And it was then that he walked up to me
And stood by my side breathing onto my neck
The shadow of a hustler
Tall and ugly and sexy
I enjoyed the feeling of his interruption
That familiar sensation of being wanted and desired
The cheap thrill I chase on nights when I’m feeling alone
The first thing he said was
Kiss me
Opening his mouth with an accurate lustful presumption
And leaning in to take it from me
But I backed away
I backed away as much as I wanted his hustler’s kiss
And he was perplexed
Bending towards me again
This time kissing me gently on the cheek
Asking me if I was rejecting him
And I looked towards the exit and said
Don’t take it personally, baby
I’ve got a long backstory
That I’m dealing with tonight

To receive love, you have to give it...

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  • 4 weeks later...

An intriguing look into the what's --


Full of gypsy love and agony
And they never stay long
These paramours seduced by my illusion
They never stay long
Because I can never keep the illusion they want going long enough
I left through the hotel lobby and I walked the midnight
Streets with their lights and their debauched treachery
And along the way
I was drawn toward the bar
With its seedy beats and topless barmen
And its dirty sticky floors
And I sat down and I lit a cigarette and I ordered a beer
I was thinking about how many times I had felt so
Lonely sitting just like this
In bars around the world
Blown in by my restlessness
Pulled in by a curious addiction


-- but I'm ever fascinated by the why's. Does the speaker know why? He mentions addiction in a matter-of-fact way; he doesn't seem terribly bothered by it. Still, I loved the perspective presented.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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  • 3 months later...

an addict of true love. searching and pushing back the people who try to take too much in times of vulnerability.

To receive love, you have to give it...

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