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Poetry Magnum Opus



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Out in the mental desert

I face desolation,

without features, no green,

nothing for comfort

except continued breath.



Can I cross it? I don't

even know if I want to.

Why take the chance

and wind up exactly

where I am, already?



Dry. Dried out. Sere.

Standing on endless

empty, flat, ancient land

without hope of even

a hint of growth.



My toes clinch sand,

trying to find coolness

underneath crusty grit,

knowing no way forward

or back to any hope.



The sun finds me.

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Grim. I hope you're not really feeling this way, although I damn well know how it happens. Anyway, it was great to talk to you on the phone while I was in the US. Send me your email address in a PM and I'll send you the Slideshow!!


All the best,


Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim

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I hope you are well! This piece reminds me of what Betty Davis once said, that.. "Old age is no place for cissies!" And while I know that you are anything but that: I can understand how someone who has led such an eventful life might sometimes feel. Please keep writing. The sun will find you. Sincere good wishes. Geoff.

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Thanks, guys. Good to see you back Geoff. As I mentioned to Bren, I have only been writing on my eyelids--a long, dry spell. Opus is like an oasis.

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Really nice existential work. Yes it describes perfectly the inaction of the creative process, and wish for a part 2, the Oasis, or here comes the rain;-) But that's just me, wanting to offer those who find themselves here some hope...



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Good suggestion to get the creative juices rising, Doc. Insightful view, as always. Thank you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Such good work, Franklin: title, mood, all of it. I don't see the predicament as unique to any particular age. I think it's peculiar to a type of person who is highly sensitive, who looks beyond the "what" at the "why." I remain hopeful that we will find what we're looking for.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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