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Poetry Magnum Opus

Like as not


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I looked at him today

and wondered

if I'd ever truly known him.

That "hear all, see all, say nought" little boy...

Who knew that he was not like me

in all those years

between then

and now.


The greying hair reminds me

he's a man.

But I still feel responsible

though he has sons himself.


And I can't tell him what to do:

refer to swans

who mate for life,

nor mention

that our clan

has never known


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  • 2 weeks later...

Geoff, I'm on the other end of this. There came the time in my life when I realized that I'm as old as my parents were when I was growing up and that they had been in even more difficult places than where I am now, that they had faced all kinds of problems while I had remained carefree. They wanted the best for me, though I didn't always listen. Looking back at certain things I know now that they were right. There must have come a point where they came upon the realizations that you've expressed in "Like as not." Yet still, parents are a treasure. Mine are my best friends and help me to this day like no one else in this world ever has or will. There's a frightening thought that has come into my head only once or twice. What if there's some problem they can't fix?



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

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A piece that makes us all consider our relations with parents and other adults during our forming years. I have thought often of the influences in my early life; they have boiled down to this: the details don't matter as much as the knowledge, as a child, that the person who takes responsibility for you, loves you without reservation. The sins and failings will pass with time, but the comfort of parental love is permanent. Thanks for taking me back.

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Thanks for your comments guys: I believe that unconditional parental love can be a joy and/or a burden; but either way you look at it: what parent wants to outlive their usefulness, or become estranged. It seems to me though, that the longer we live, the greater the disparity of values comes into play.

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