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Poetry Magnum Opus

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Grackles gather

in my aged oak tree,

host to uncounted

yearly flocks,

their raucous pause

disturbing the morning.


A magnificent nature poem. Short but with a stunning clarity.


Really Enjoyed!




Indigenous grackles are a reminder of the vastness of the North American continent. The steadfastness of the personalised oak an affinity and appreciation of the endless surge of nature. Enjoyed. G.


Thanks, Doc. I couldn't get this nature moment to fit in haiku. Here in the valley we are inundated with grackles, the worst part being their nesting in eaves gutters. They find them so attractive, they manage to even pull off the gutter covers. Like small crows with a big attitude. Now, robins have taken to nesting on deck lamps. Birds are almost as crazy as people.


Thank you, Geoff. Birds can bring much esthetic pleasure but can also be a nuisance at times. I like the nimble finches, especially the rather drab females who truly rule the roosts. Oak trees seem patient and unaffected, enduring much harassment year-round. I know I tend to be anthropomorphic about my surroundings.


We have three larches close by which shelter pigeons, magpies, starlings and the odd blackbird. My wife puts food out the year round that also attracts thrushes wrens and sparrows etc. to the garden, along with the occasional gulls when the weather's bad. Even the bloody old cat gets better looked after than me, but he makes me laugh trying to catch them . I'm usually left with the job of painting over the bird-limed fences in autumn, but it's worth it.


... I couldn't get this nature moment to fit in haiku ...


Even before I read this reply, I was going to write that this poem has a very Eastern feel to it. It's very haiku/haibun-like.



... I'm usually left with the job of painting over the bird-limed fences in autumn, but it's worth it ...


At my parents' house, when there's snow on the ground, the birds eat on the shoveled lot together with the squirrels. We had a vegetable garden when I was growing up, but eventually the decision was made to get rid of the garden, because we didn't have the heart to harm the various animals that came to dine there or to put them out of their nests like the family of rabbits that lived there one summer.



Tony :happy:

Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Tony, you seem always to get to the kernel. Not trying to bump this feeble effort; just wanted to acknowledge your insight. Benjamin, of course, is always the gentleman with a steely glint. LOL


lovely uncluttered work

A great compliment for me, Barry. Thank you.

David W. Parsley

Barry beat me to the punch, but I will expand by saying that Pound and Williams also groused about the need for haiku clarity and brevity, often settling for forms other than that venerable legacy of Japan. Like them, you have achieved something more than photographic, something you can taste and hear, Feel. I agree with all comments above. Very nice work.


Thank You,

- David


I am humbled, Dave.

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