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Poetry Magnum Opus

Eagle Guardians in the Sky


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Eagle Guardians in the Sky

We were walking between the trees
And rocks and moss and mountain waters
Pulled into the forest by excited nymphs and sprites
And as we walked we felt their quiet blessings
Being bestowed

Fresh oxygen

And through the silences
Came impartations of peace and reassurance
Gentle soothing embraces
Flowing from the soft music of the silver streams
On their joyful journey through smooth stone
Selflessly healing our tired souls

As if in a dream we passed through
Quiet shadows and green spaces
Out into a clearing filled with sun and light and warmth
The sure strong and constant
Power of the cliffs constantly beside us

Gradually we became more and more
Aware of a voice in the sky
Calling, calling, calling

Together we became aware
Looking up toward the light
Toward the song being sung to us
For us
In that precise moment
Within the precision of nature

The two of them soared above us
With grace and strength and elegance
And one voice kept singing

And the song spoke to each of us

Do not be afraid to spread your wings
And soar like us into your lives
With power and perspective
For you are held and loved
And cared for
Everything around you celebrates
Your existence
So glide into it
And live peacefully
Harmoniously and consciously
Within it

We looked up and listened together in silence
Watching our guides circling above us
Receiving their benedictions from above
Until our eagle angels
Disappeared together
Between the purple shadows of the mountain

And we were left calm and clear and serene


To receive love, you have to give it...

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Some wonderful imagery in lines that take my mind back to time spent in the Lassithi area of eastern Crete. Silence: oneness with nature, and a constant awareness of circling, high flying eagles. Thanks for sharing.

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