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What A Feeling / - Religious Content

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Larsen M. Callirhoe

I often hear your voice daydreaming

in the twilight morning hours

waking up from

my many eternal nightmares.



These fleeting moments often leave me

in cold sweats and chills

trembling from what I had envisioned

in my slumbering dreams as I wake up

most mornings when I care to look at reality.


Then something tells my heart

I don't need you

in my life anymore.


I wish for magic wand

to wave over my troubles

wishing this act

could tell me what to do

and how to live

without you in my life anymore?


You made me a fool then.

Only past lovers

carry this shame.


What must I do

to end these

sleepless nights

causing me to

toss and turn in bed?


Living with you

in my life

this big lie that

carries me on a whisper

and a lofty windy breeze

that I wanted to end

a long time ago.


I still hope for love

as old lovers try to seek

like a fading dream

that echoes in the dark

cascading in the rising sun.


Flowing rivers

filled by my many tears

because I no longer cry in open.


Living a lie -

oh what must I do?

But turn to a prayer

praying to my God

who is up on high.


I pray to him -

el elyon adoni

god - god most high lord!


I found my faith

by the cross of hope -

so, now God is on my side.

I have joy in faith

that now fills my life

and my cup overflows.





Sorry wasn't try to get to religious on you. It is just that this piece is about my own spiritual battle wrestling with my personal demons within I didn't mention in the piece like divorce and drinking and so forth.


Hi will be back later on tonight to comment on several pieces. Got a Dr. appointment to go to in an hour and lunch should be here any moment - anyhow. Anyone seen or heard from Tinker? I hope she is doing okay?

Larsen M. Callirhoe


Very enjoyable, religious content was perfectly appropriate. Best I've seen from you in awhile :-) Robert replied to a piece of mine within the last few months/weeks. Sometimes it's hard to tell!




This part is wrenching:


Only past lovers
carry this shame.


This part reminds me of Shakespeare's Sonnet 27:


What must I do
to end these
sleepless nights
causing me to
toss and turn in bed?




Heart-felt work. Thanks for sharing.....


Wow, Victor! This is powerful stuff: a lyrical poem that ends triumphant like a psalm!


It's awesome how the speaker declares, "I don't need you in my life anymore" and then asks how to do that. I agree with Juris, that this is one of your best, and I agree with Marti; these lines are masterful:



You made me a fool then.
Only past lovers
carry this shame.

What a feeling, seriously.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic


Hi Victor, This was an amazing piece, lyrical, full of tangible emotion that most can relate to. The honesty of your writing is compelling. I loved it.


Thanks for thinking of me. I am fine but busy and haven't written anything of my own in a while. I have been lurking and reading but haven't posted much. Everyone here has gotten so good I feel like I say the same thing over and over when commenting.


I truly enjoyed this poem and I will make effort to be more visible.



~~ © ~~ Poems by Judi Van Gorder ~~

For permission to use this work you can write to Tinker1111@icloud.com

  • 2 weeks later...
David W. Parsley

Victor, I have read this one several times, and it really is over the top. Impassioned and genuine, it embodies the elemental striving with Divinity. Maybe your best ever.


Thank You,

- Dave

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