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Poetry Magnum Opus

From Greyfriers Kirkyard

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Frank E Gibbard

[My "poetic message" from the infamous Scot written before our referendum, i.e. before events ensued. As with all parodies it helps to know some of the original's work, I hope some may maybe]



Oh hear ye my ain folk of Scotland, aye land,

of my here gravebound ground wherein I lie

forsooth as I did die in truth, thy loyal savant

William Topaz McGonagall, poet late of these

islands most northernmost shires am interred

I, midst Greyfriers earth, place of my very birth;

six mordant feet doon in merry Edinburgh toon,

sad fate of we of weak flesh which cruelly expires.

In shade of kirk mine buried bones must ere lurk,

yet been just stirred by word, my spirits ear has

erstwhile heard, from dear departed John Brown,

great Queen Victorias man of such good renown,

until the servant much missed by the head which

bore the crown, passed his way to an eternal rest.

His peace a new perturbation has much disturbed

a notion that is sae absurd, and ruination of a nation.


Oh I foresee an impending disaster och aye more

deleterious e'een than that on much remembered

River Tay sae serious calamitous ... terrible and wet,

that none surely is ever on this island likely to forget.

In death I McGonagall say to you that is au courant

living in Scotland ye shy awa, yeh fie, a day not so

very far away. Do not yield Britannia's bold shield.




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