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@ The Edge

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@ The Edge


a Poet must

@ least once


sit stand fidget

@ The Edge

crying weeping

laughing guffawing

like the High Priest

absolutely focused

throat and knife


world weary weight

see hear feel touch

boundaries between

language and nothing

@ All


Perhaps feel/touch are much the same? Taste/Smell?



like the High Priest

absolutely focused

throat and knife


Liked the intensity of that.


Liked the form too.


I like this. But it doesn't always go that way. Not infrequently, I think I'm a bit of a dozy fool. One has to hit things bang on the nose, with no allowance for six inches left or right ....

Drown your sorrows in drink, by all means, but the real sorrows can swim


They always say that you should write about things of which you know. One needs to have experienced the highs and lows of life to some extent to be sufficiently moved; although I'm surprised at how frequently these days the words 'bi-polar' occur in modern living. I wonder how they would have applied to some poets of the past. :smile:


I agree with Badger's, Brendan's, and Geoff's insightful remarks. I'll add that in addition to the pleasing form, I think this excels because it's not overloaded with metaphor. That's what makes this priest simile so powerful. It's there, and it's allowed to shine.



Here is a link to an index of my works on this site: tonyv's Member Archive topic

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks All! I'm in a slump, of sorts- working on other things so poetry is @ a trickle. I much appreciate the feedback- And Badge, hmm, not sure touch is somatic, feel is emotive (to me) will reconsider and change if appropriate.


I'm glad my first in awhile was so well received by you wondrous folk!



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