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Poetry Magnum Opus

Dear Bertha...


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I'm sitting in the yard admiring the view

without fussing about weeds.

Spending time with family and friends

and less time worrying and working.

"Someday!" And "One of these days!"

Have slipped from my vocabulary.

For if it is worth seeing, hearing, doing:

then I want to see, hear and do it now.

Our every breath is a precious gift:

with experiences to savour,

not just to be endured.

Recognize the moments!

Cherish them.

For though life may not be

the party we hoped for..

while we are here,

we might as well dance.




nb: Condensed and edited from a letter by an 83 year old woman to her friend.

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Weighty indeed:


not just to be endured.


Is that NB for nota bene? :)

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Note well indeed marti :don't mean to plagiarize the elderly :biggrin: All sorts of things find their way to the in box of my email account. Some from well meaning friends, others just junk; but occasionally something interesting arrives that's worthy of a few minutes writing time. Cheers! G.

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