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Poetry Magnum Opus

The Tear - Revised work


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the tear appeared
from the corner of his eye
glistening and salty and pure
a piece of the ocean
a piece of peace
a droplet from paradise

silently it glided down the contours of his cheek
blessing his spirit
and holding within it thankfulness
and humility and grace
transcending all of his earthly limitations

and he thought:

tears are as effortless as breath
as mysterious as the moment of conception or becoming
they are the diamonds of god
the jewels of the soul
sent down to help us upon this wondrously weary way
a reminder of our innate holiness, splendour and uniqueness

he looked at his reflection
as he cried
touching the sacred liquid as it traced its path
smoothly and delicately down his face
and he was humbled and calmed
suddenly remembering who he really is

that one tear
that single droplet
holding within it the very essence of his soul
a watery conduit
keeping him connected to the Light
during a brief walk upon the earth

To receive love, you have to give it...

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silently it glided down the contours of his cheek
blessing his spirit



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Read and enjoyed this one several times:

"mysterious as the moment of conception or becoming"--- together with your last stanza are key lines that for me create a poem within a poem. Well done.

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