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Poetry Magnum Opus

The gardens of Magnolia


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In rooms of my mind the lifting perfume

lingers-winding towards a dream, night's blinds

are drawn, the aroma's ecstasy, mirrored,lumes,

the stilted haze and flowers furnish, bind

in the summer screen of the Magnolia

gardens slumbering ease. Their is a war

of wry wistfulness in the gardeners

caress. The honey bee carries it's score

of nectar, the train continues it's tour

through a democracy of the senses to select the

candidate that is most likely too

sanctify-a bird hovers nonchalantly

in his republic of land and sky, flowers

seduce hand and eye, divining answers.

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This is one of my absolute favorites of yours! It is as rich and sweet as your subject, for a moment the room was enveloped in a perfume most profound. Really Good Work!



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A complement of (hopefully) pleasant days to days to come. Well written with rich imagery and phrases that evoke alternative thoughts. I liked: "There is a war of wry wistfulness" though wondered if you meant "Theirs"... Your political analogies include: "democracy of senses" and "republic of land and sky"... Made me think.. "Freudian".. as our much longed-for, end-of-term general election looms in May. :smile: Much enjoyed.

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